
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-11 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 7 3.2 Adjustment of interaction between stamens and pistils High temperature stress has a profound impact on the reproductive system of rice, and the interaction between stamens and pistils is considered a crucial regulatory link. Through case studies, we can gain a more detailed understanding of the regulatory mechanism of interaction between rice stamens and pistils under high temperature stress. Research has found that high temperature stress may cause dysregulation of the interaction between rice stamens and pistils, thereby affecting the normal fertilization process. For example, some experiments have shown that when rice is subjected to high temperature stress, the pollen yield and quality of the stamens are affected, and the fertilization ability of the pistils may also be inhibited. This is because high temperature may cause dehydration of stamen cells and abnormal protein synthesis, affecting the development and release of pollen. Meanwhile, the high temperature stimulation on the pistil may lead to a decrease in its ability to accept pollen, thereby affecting the success rate of fertilization (Fan et al., 2020). At the molecular level, the regulation of gene expression in rice stamens and pistils by high temperature is also an important research direction. Case studies have shown that under high temperature conditions, the expression of some genes related to the development of stamens and pistils is significantly altered. This includes key genes that affect pollen development and genes related to controlling pistil fertilization. These changes may lead to asynchronous signal transduction between stamens and pistils, affecting normal pollen transmission and the fertilization process of pistils (Xing et al., 2021). In fact, some studies have also discovered the self-regulation mechanism of interaction between stamens and pistils in rice plants under high temperature stress. For example, under high temperature conditions, rice may respond to the weakening of the pistil by increasing pollen yield and improving pollen activity. This indicates that rice may maintain the relative stability of its reproductive system through certain adaptive mechanisms when facing high temperature pressure. Overall, the adjustment of interaction between stamens and pistils in rice under high temperature stress involves multiple levels, including morphology, physiology, and molecular level. A deeper understanding of these adjustment mechanisms helps us better understand the impact of high temperature on rice reproduction and provides a theoretical basis for cultivating rice varieties that are adapted to high temperature. This is particularly urgent for ensuring global food security in the face of intensifying climate change. 3.3 High temperature stress during booting stage leads to abnormal pollen development High temperature stress is a common agricultural meteorological disaster in the growth and development of rice, especially during the panicle stage. Its adverse effects on rice pollen development have become one of the main factors limiting high and stable yields. A study conducted an in-depth investigation into the effects of high temperature stress during the booting stage on rice pollen development, with a focus on revealing the key roles of ROS and ABA in this process. Research has found that high temperature stress causes a significant increase in ROS (reactive oxygen species) and ABA (abscisic acid) content in the developing anther organs of rice. The increase of these two factors is not only closely related to the early degradation of anther tapetum cells and the loss of starch in pollen grains, but also directly leads to abnormal pollen development and abortion under high temperature. In the study, it was found that ABA plays a crucial regulatory role in programmed cell death (PCD) and microspore apoptosis of anther tapetum cells under high temperature stress. ABA stimulates the production of ROS, thereby regulating the PCD of anther tapetum cells and the apoptosis of microspores, leading to the formation of pollen abortion under high temperature. This reveals the regulatory mechanism of ABA in the abnormal development of rice pollen under high temperature stress, providing new insights into the impact of high temperature on the rice reproductive system (Figure 3) (Zheng et al., 2019).