
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 191-203 197 Figure 2 SNP-1245 Affects ZCN8 Expression and Is Associated with Differential Regulation by ZmMADS1 (Adopted from Guo et al., 2018) Image caption: (A) The difference in days to anthesis between NIL(W22) and NIL(8759); Data represent the mean±SD; p values were determined by Student’s t test., B) Relative expression levels of ZCN8 in NIL(W22) and NIL(8759); Data represent the mean±SD (n=3 biological replicates); p values were determined by Student’s t test (see also Figure S1)., C) Relative expression levels of ZCN8 in maize inbred lines carrying different alleles of SNP-1245; For each allelic group, 10 maize inbred lines were randomly selected from the maize association panel; Data represent the mean±SD; p values were determined by Student’s t test., D) Relative expression levels of ZCN8 in ZmMADS1-overexpressing plants and wild-type plants; Data represent the mean±SD (n=3 biological replicates); p values were determined by Student’s t test., E) ZmMADS1 exhibited similar expression levels in the two NILs for qDTA8; Values are presented as the means±SD (n=3 biological replicates); p values were determined by Student’s t test., F) Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) showing that SNP-1245 is associated with differential binding by ZmMADS1; Each biotin-labeled DNA fragment was incubated with GST-ZmMADS1 or GST proteins; Competition assays for the labeled probes were performed by adding an excess of unlabeled probes; The relative bound intensity was quantified with ImageJ software ( (see also Table S4); G and H) Dual-luciferase transient expression assay in maize protoplasts; G) Constructs used in the transient expression assay; The coding sequence of ZmMADS1 driven by the 35S promoter was used as the effector; The luciferase (LUC) gene driven by an~2-kb promoter sequence from NIL(W22) or NIL(8759) was used as the reporter; To examine the effect of SNP-1245, a mutant reporter containing the G nucleotide of SNP-1245 in the NIL(W22) promoter was constructed., H) The effect of overexpression of ZmMADS1 on the activity of the luciferase (LUC) gene driven by the promoter from NIL(W22) or NIL(8759); Values are presented as the means±SD (n=5 biological replicates); p values were determined by Student’s t test. Moreover, the identification of genes and QTLs associated with important traits through genome comparison can inform targeted breeding strategies. The ZCN8 gene, for instance, provides a target for manipulating flowering time to adapt maize to different latitudes and growing seasons (Guo et al., 2018). Similarly, the flooding-tolerant genotype identified through the introgression of chromosome segments fromZea nicaraguensis can be used to develop maize lines that are better suited to flood-prone areas (Mano and Omori, 2013). The comparative analysis of the plastid genomes of maize and its wild relatives offers valuable insights into the evolutionary processes that have shaped modern maize. The microstructural changes identified through this analysis have significant implications for maize domestication and cultivation, providing a foundation for the development of improved maize varieties through targeted breeding and introgression of beneficial alleles from wild relatives.