
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 93-101 100 The findings underscore the complexity of breeding and managing maize for optimal grain quality. The significant influence of both genetic and environmental factors necessitates a multifaceted approach to maize cultivation. Breeding programs must focus on developing genotypes that are not only high-yielding but also stable across diverse environmental conditions. This includes selecting for traits that confer resilience to climatic stresses and optimizing agronomic practices to enhance grain quality. Future research should continue to dissect the genetic basis of grain quality traits and their interaction with environmental variables. This will enable the development of more precise breeding strategies and management practices tailored to specific environments. Additionally, the integration of advanced genomic tools and phenotypic analyses will be crucial in accelerating the improvement of maize grain quality. In conclusion, achieving high-quality maize grain requires a synergistic approach that combines genetic improvement with optimized environmental management. By leveraging the insights gained from these studies, we can enhance maize production to meet the growing demands for food security and quality in various regions worldwide. Acknowledgment The author extends sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Badu‐Apraku B., Fakorede, M., Oyekunle, M., Yallou, G., Obeng-antwi, K., Haruna A., Usman I., and Akinwale R., 2015, Gains in grain yield of early maize cultivars developed during three breeding eras under multiple environments, Crop Science, 55: 527-539. Bozovic D., Popović D., Popović V., Živanović T., Ljubičić N., Ćosić M., Spahić A., Simić D., and Filipović V., 2022, Economical productivity of maize genotypes under different herbicides application in two contrasting climatic conditions, Sustainability, 14(9): 5629. Butts-Wilmsmeyer C., Seebauer J., Singleton L., and Below F., 2019, Weather during key growth stages explains grain quality and yield of maize, Agronomy, 9(1): 16. Chen Y.H., and Zehr B.E., 2014, Effect of nitrogen application on grain quality traits of maize hybrids, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 16(3): 695-704. Cirilo A., Dardanelli J., Balzarini M., Andrade F., Cantarero M., Luque S., and Pedrol H., 2009, Morpho-physiological traits associated with maize crop adaptations to environments differing in nitrogen availability, Field Crops Research, 113: 116-124. Correndo A., Fernández J., Prasad P., and Ciampitti I., 2021, Do water and nitrogen management practices impact grain quality in maize? Agronomy, 11(9): 1851 Duarte A., Mason, S., Jackson, D., and Kiehl, J., 2005, Grain quality of Brazilian maize genotypes as influenced by nitrogen level, Crop Science, 45: 1958-1964. Galizia L., Munaro E., Cirilo A., Otegui M., and D'Andrea K., 2020, Phenotypic plasticity for biomass partitioning in maize: genotype effects across a range of environments, Field Crops Research, 256: 107914. Gambin B., Coyos T., Mauro G., Borrás L., and Garibaldi L., 2016, Exploring genotype, management, and environmental variables influencing grain yield of late-sown maize in central Argentina, Agricultural Systems, 146: 11-19. Harrigan G., Stork L., Riordan S., Reynolds T., Taylor J., Masucci J., Cao Y., LeDeaux J., Pandravada A., and Glenn K., 2009, Impact of environmental and genetic factors on expression of maize gene classes: Relevance to grain composition, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 22: 158-164. Hong-shan W., 2007, Effects of plant density and ecological environment on grain yield and quality in maize, Journal of Maize Sciences, (2007): 88-93. Katsenios N., Sparangis P., Chanioti S., Giannoglou M., Leonidakis D., Christopoulos M., Katsaros G., and Efthimiadou A., 2021, Genotype×environment interaction of yield and grain quality traits of maize hybrids in greece, Agronomy, 11(2): 357. Lee E., and Tollenaar M., 2007, Physiological basis of successful breeding strategies for maize grain yield, Crop Science, 47: S-202.. Li J., Zhang Z., Li Y., Wang Q., and Zhou Y., 2011, QTL consistency and meta-analysis for grain yield components in three generations in maize, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 122: 771-782.