
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 93-101 99 Breeding programs should focus on developing maize varieties that are resilient to climate change and environmental stresses such as drought, low soil fertility, and pest attacks. The research by Romay et al. (2010) and Badu‐Apraku et al. (2015) demonstrates the importance of selecting genotypes with stable performance under stress conditions, which is critical for maintaining yield and quality in the face of climate variability. Furthermore, sustainable maize production should incorporate practices that enhance soil health, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and reduced tillage. These practices can improve soil fertility and structure, leading to better water retention and nutrient availability, which are essential for high-quality grain production. The integration of emerging technologies, supportive policy frameworks, and sustainable agricultural practices are essential for improving maize grain quality and ensuring food security. Future research should continue to explore the genetic and environmental factors influencing grain quality and develop strategies that address the challenges posed by climate change and resource limitations. The researchers can achieve a more resilient and productive maize production system that meets the nutritional needs of a growing global population. Figure 2 Contribution of Climate Change, Agronomic Management, and Genetic Improvement to Maize Yield Gain in Different Regions (Adopted from Rizzo et al., 2022) Image caption: Total yield gain and contribution from changes in climate and adoption of agronomic and genetic technologies for each region; Lower Niobrara (LN), Tri-Basin (TB), and Upper Big Blue (UBB). Also shown are the averages across the three regions. Numbers inside bars indicate the relative contribution of climate (green), agronomic management (yellow), and genetic improvement (red) to the total yield gain (Adopted from Rizzo et al., 2022) 7 Concluding Remarks The research on genetic and environmental factors influencing grain quality in maize has revealed several critical insights. Firstly, genotype and environmental interactions (GEI) play a significant role in determining maize grain yield and quality. Studies have shown that different genotypes respond variably to environmental conditions such as drought, low soil fertility, and planting density, which significantly affect grain yield and quality traits like protein, starch, and oil content. In Argentina, late-sown maize trials indicated that management variables like planting date, stand density, and nitrogen availability, along with environmental factors such as soil type and rainfall, significantly influence grain yield. Similarly, in Eastern and Southern Africa, quality protein maize hybrids exhibited significant GEI, with certain hybrids performing better under specific stress conditions like drought and low nitrogen. In Greece, the stability of maize hybrids' yield and quality traits was also found to be highly dependent on the interaction between genotype and environment. Additionally, genetic studies have highlighted the substantial variation in grain compositional traits, with significant contributions from both genetic and environmental factors.