
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 93-101 97 Furthermore, the evaluation of introduced nutrient-dense maize lines for adaptation through GEI analysis is crucial for breeding quality traits. A study in Zimbabwe assessed the grain yield performance of zinc-enhanced, provitamin A, normal, and quality protein maize lines across stress and non-stress environments. The results identified high-yielding and stable lines that could be used for developing nutrient-enhanced hybrids with improved seed producibility (Matongera et al., 2023). In conclusion, understanding the interaction between genetic and environmental factors is vital for improving maize grain quality. Breeding programs should focus on selecting genotypes that perform well under specific environmental conditions and consider traits that enhance adaptation to varying environments. This approach will lead to the development of stable and high-yielding maize hybrids suitable for different growing conditions. 5 Case Studies and Practical Applications 5.1 Successful breeding programs Successful breeding programs have significantly contributed to improving maize grain quality by focusing on both genetic and environmental factors. For instance, a study conducted in West and Central Africa demonstrated substantial genetic gains in maize cultivars developed over three breeding eras. These cultivars were bred for resistance to Striga parasitism, drought, and low soil nitrogen, resulting in an average yield increase of 40 kg ha-1 per year under optimal conditions and 30 kg ha-1 per year under stress conditions (Badu‐Apraku et al., 2015). Similarly, in Eastern and Southern Africa, quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids were developed to withstand drought and low soil fertility. The hybrids H40, H41, H56, and H58 showed high yield stability across various environments, making them suitable for breeding programs aimed at stress and non-stress conditions (Mebratu et al., 2019). In Greece, the interaction of genotype by environment was studied to evaluate grain quality traits. The study found that specific environments could enhance protein and fiber content, suggesting that targeted breeding programs could improve these quality traits by selecting appropriate genotypes for specific environments (Katsenios et al., 2021). Additionally, in Spain, breeding programs focusing on yield stability under stress conditions identified genotypes with desirable traits such as kernel depth and ear length, which contributed to higher yield stability (Romay et al., 2010). 5.2 Technological innovations Technological innovations have played a crucial role in enhancing maize grain quality. For example, the use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in a study involving 501 diverse temperate maize inbred lines allowed for the prediction of 16 compositional traits, including carbohydrates, protein, and starch. This technology enabled the identification of significant genetic and environmental factors affecting grain quality, providing valuable insights for breeding programs (Renk et al., 2021). In Brazil, the application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers was found to significantly influence grain quality. Studies showed that N application increased grain yield, N concentration, and kernel hardness while reducing breakage susceptibility. This highlights the importance of optimizing N application rates to improve both yield and grain quality (Duarte et al., 2005). Furthermore, a comparative analysis of maize grown under different planting densities and ecological environments revealed that factors such as light, accumulated temperature, and precipitation significantly affected grain quality. This information can be used to develop region-specific agronomic practices to enhance grain quality (Li et al., 2011; Tian et al., 2021). 5.3 Farmer experiences and insights Farmers' experiences and insights are invaluable in understanding the practical applications of research findings. In central Argentina, on-farm multi-environmental trials were conducted to analyze the influences of genotype, management, and environmental variables on grain yield. The study found that management practices such as planting date, stand density, and nutrient availability significantly impacted grain yield, providing farmers with actionable insights to optimize their practices (Gambin et al., 2016).