
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 80-92 90 resilient and high-yielding maize varieties. Future research should continue to explore genetic diversity and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure the long-term viability and productivity of maize. 9 Concluding Remarks The systematic research of genetic and archaeological perspectives on the spread of maize from southern Mexico highlights several critical findings. Genetic evidence indicates that maize was domesticated from its wild ancestor, teosinte, approximately 9 000 years ago in the Balsas River Valley. Archaeological data support this by revealing early maize cultivation sites in southern Mexico and beyond, illustrating the crop's initial domestication and subsequent dissemination. Genetic diversity studies underscore the adaptability of maize, which incorporated beneficial traits from local teosinte populations as it spread to various regions. The research also outlines the routes of maize spread, facilitated by cultural and trade exchanges among ancient civilizations. The economic and nutritional impacts of maize were significant, providing a reliable food source and promoting economic growth through trade. Additionally, maize held cultural and ritual importance in many societies, integrating deeply into their social and spiritual practices. The findings from this research have several implications for researchers, archaeologists, and agricultural scientists. For researchers, the integration of genetic and archaeological data provides a more comprehensive understanding of maize's domestication and spread. This interdisciplinary approach can be applied to other crops to gain similar insights into their historical development and genetic diversity. Archaeologists can benefit from the genetic data that offer timelines and migration patterns of maize cultivation, helping to identify and interpret archaeological sites. Understanding the genetic makeup of ancient maize samples can provide clues about past agricultural practices and human interactions with the environment. For agricultural scientists, the historical lessons of maize domestication and spread emphasize the importance of maintaining genetic diversity in modern breeding programs. This diversity is crucial for developing resilient maize varieties that can withstand environmental stresses and adapt to changing climates. Additionally, the historical success of maize as a staple crop highlights its potential for addressing current and future food security challenges. The research underscores the need for continued interdisciplinary research and collaboration to fully understand the complexities of maize domestication and its impacts on ancient and modern societies. Integrating genetic, archaeological, and ecological data provides a holistic view of maize's history and its future potential. Such collaboration can lead to innovative solutions for current agricultural challenges, including climate change, food security, and sustainable farming practices. Future research should focus on expanding the genetic and archaeological databases of maize, employing advanced genomic and dating techniques to uncover more detailed insights. Collaborative efforts between geneticists, archaeologists, agronomists, and ecologists will be essential to build a comprehensive understanding of maize and other critical crops。 Acknowledgment The CropSci Publisher would like to express our gratitude to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their critical assessment and constructive suggestions on our manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Aguirre-Liguori J., Aguirre-Planter E., and Eguiarte L., 2016, Genetics and ecology of wild and cultivated maize: domestication and introgression, Springer, 403-416. Benavente E., and Giménez E., 2021, Modern approaches for the genetic improvement of rice, wheat and maize for abiotic constraints-related traits: a comparative overview, Agronomy, 11(2): 376. Costa F.M., Silva N., Vidal R., Clement C., Freitas F., Alves-Pereira A., Petroli C., Zucchi M., and Veasey E., 2022, Maize dispersal patterns associated with different types of endosperm and migration of indigenous groups in lowland South America, Annals of Botany, 129(6): 737-751.