
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 70-79 77 (3) Conservation of Genetic Resources: Conservation efforts should prioritize maintaining the genetic diversity within and among maize populations. This includes preserving both cultivated varieties and wild relatives to ensure a broad genetic base for future breeding efforts. Strategies such as in situ and ex situ conservation can be employed to achieve this goal. (4) Investigate Hormone and Flowering Pathways: Further research is needed to understand the specific genetic pathways involved in key adaptations, such as hormone-related pathways for highland adaptation and flowering time pathways for high latitude adaptation. Identifying and characterizing these pathways can provide targeted approaches for breeding programs. (5) Monitor Genetic Purity: It is essential to monitor the genetic purity of locally adapted breeds and populations. Introgression from other breeds or species can dilute unique genetic traits. Regular genetic assessments using markers like SNPs can help maintain the integrity of these populations. By addressing these recommendations, future research and breeding programs can effectively utilize the genetic diversity within the genus Zea to enhance maize productivity, adaptability, and conservation. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Abdoul-Raouf S., Ju Q., Jianyu M., and Zhizhai L., 2017, Utilization of wild relatives for maize (Zeamays L.) improvement, African Journal of Plant Science, 11: 105-113. Campos B., Carmo A., Egito A., Mariante A., Albuquerque M., Gouveia J., Malhado C., Verardo L., Silva M., and Carneiro P., 2017, Genetic diversity, population structure, and correlations between locally adapted zebu and taurine breeds in Brazil using SNP markers, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49: 1677-1684. PMid:28808902 Chen L., Luo J., Jin M., Yang N., Liu X., Peng Y., Li W., Qing L., Yin Y., Ye X., Yan J., Zhang Q., Zhang X., Gui S., Wu S., Wang Y., Luo Y., Jiang C., Deng M., Jin M., Jian L., Yu Y., Zhang M., Yang X., Hufford M., Fernie A., Warburton M., Ross-Ibarra J., and Yan J., 2021, Portrait of a genus: the genetic diversity of Zea, bioRxiv, (2021): 2021-2024 Dell'Acqua M., Gatti D., Pea G., Cattonaro F., Coppens, F., Magris G., Hlaing A., Aung H.H., Nelissen H., Baute J., Frascaroli E., Churchill G., Inzé D., Morgante M., and Pè M., 2015, Genetic properties of the MAGIC maize population: a new platform for high definition QTL mapping in Zeamay, Genome Biology, 16(1): 167. PMid:26357913 PMCid:PMC4566846 Enoki H., Sato H., and Koinuma K., 2002, SSR analysis of genetic diversity among maize inbred lines adapted to cold regions of Japan, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104: 1270-1277. PMid:12582580 Farfan I., Fuente G., Murray S., Isakeit T., Huang P., Warburton M., Williams P., Windham G., and Kolomiets M., 2015, Genome wide association study for drought, aflatoxin resistance, and important agronomic traits of maize hybrids in the sub-tropics, PLoS One, 10(2): e0117737. PMid:25714370 PMCid:PMC4340625 Gasca-Pineda J., Gutiérrez-Guerrero Y., Aguirre-Planter E., and Eguiarte L., 2020, The role of environment, local adaptation, and past climate fluctuation on the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in two subspecies of Mexican wild Zeamays, American Journal of Botany, 107(11): 1542-1554. PMid:33205455 Hintum T., Wiel C., Visser D., Treuren R., and Vosman B., 2007, The distribution of genetic diversity in a Brassica oleracea gene bank collection related to the effects on diversity of regeneration, as measured with AFLPs, TAG, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Theoretische Und Angewandte Genetik, 114: 777-786. PMid:17273846 PMCid:PMC1913180