
Maize Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 49-59 58 The future of maize breeding and agriculture will depend on the successful integration of conventional breeding and genetic engineering. This hybrid approach can lead to the development of maize varieties that are higher yielding, more nutritious, and better adapted to environmental stresses. By combining the broad genetic base and adaptability provided by conventional breeding with the precision and speed of genetic engineering, breeders can address the challenges posed by climate change, population growth, and food security. Furthermore, sustainable maize breeding practices will contribute to environmental conservation by reducing the need for chemical inputs and enhancing the resilience of maize crops to biotic and abiotic stresses. Policymakers and stakeholders must support research initiatives, invest in new technologies, and create policies that promote the equitable distribution of advanced maize varieties. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express our gratitude to the two anonymous peer reviewers. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Andorf C.M., Beavis W.D., Hufford M., Smith S., Suza W.P., Wang K., Woodhouse M., Yu J.M., and Lübberstedt T., 2019, Technological advances in maize breeding: past, present and future, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132(3): 817-849. PMid:30798332 Barrows G., Sexton S., and Zilberman D., 2014, Agricultural biotechnology: the promise and prospects of genetically modified crops, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(1): 99-120. Burger H., Schloen M., Schmidt W., and Geiger H.H., 2008, Quantitative genetic studies on breeding maize for adaptation to organic farming, Euphytica, 163: 501-510. Dreher K., Khairallah M., Ribaut J., and Morris M., 2003, Money matters (II): costs of maize inbred line conversion schemes at CIMMYT using conventional and marker-assisted selection, Molecular Breeding, 11: 235-247. Dreher K., Khairallah M., Ribaut J., and Morris M., 2003, Money matters (I): costs of field and laboratory procedures associated with conventional and marker-assisted maize breeding at CIMMYT, Molecular Breeding, 11: 221-234. Dunder E., Dawson J., Suttie J., and Pace G., 1995, Maize transformation by microprojectile bombardment of immature embryos, Bio/Technology, 4: 127-138. Fischer R., and Edmeades G., 2010, Breeding and cereal yield progress, Crop Science, 50(s1): S85-S98. Fu W., Zhu P.Y., Qu M.N., Zhi W., Zhang Y.J., Li F.W., and Zhu S.F., 2021, Evaluation on reprogramed biological processes in transgenic maize varieties using transcriptomics and metabolomics, Scientific Reports, 11: 2050. PMid:33479482 PMCid:PMC7820507 Goldstein W., Jaradat A., Hurburgh C.R., Pollak L.M., and Goodman M., 2019, Breeding maize under biodynamic-organic conditions for nutritional value and N efficiency/N2 fixation, Open Agriculture, 4(1): 322-345. Hong J., Lee G. S., Park K., Kim J., Jang H.J., Suh E., Kim K.H., and Lee Y.H., 2019, Production of transgenic maize plants with herbicide resistance through agrobacterium-mediated transformation, Korean Journal of Breeding, 51(4): 290-297. Hue H., Linh N.T., and Ha N.H., 2018, Genetic engineering in developing drought tolerance maize and its new prospects, Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology, 16(1): 19-43. Jauhar P.P., 2001, Genetic engineering and accelerated plant improvement: opportunities and challenges, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 64(2): 87-91. Jumbo M., Weldekidan T., Holland J., and Hawk J., 2011, Comparison of conventional, modified single seed descent, and doubled haploid breeding methods for maize inbred line development using germplasm enhancement of maize breeding crosses, Crop Science, 51: 1534-1543.