
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 152-162 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 155 Figure 1 Characterization of the peanut genome and chromosomes (Adopted from Zhuang et al., 2019) Image caption: a, Circos diagram depicting relationships of A and B subgenome chromosomal pseudomolecules. The scale for the chromosomes (outer bars) is megabases; colors represent the density of nonautonomous LTR retrotransposons and Ty3-gypsy elements (blue) and genes (green). Homeologous blocks of ≥30 gene pairs between Chr01-Chr10 and Chr11-Chr20 (A01-A10 and B01-B10, respectively) are connected with lines. b, Syntenic comparisons between peanut subgenomes and diploid A and B genomes. The outer three circles are chromosomes, density of genes and of Ty3-gypsy and nonautonomous LTR retrotransposons (as shown in a). Colored lines connect blocks with ≥30 orthologous gene pairs between the A and B subgenomes andA. duranensis and A. ipaensis genomes, respectively, based on BLASTN. c, Alignment of diploid peanut A03 and B03 contigs to corresponding tetraploid chromosomes, with parameters: -a 8 -p blastn -m 9-e 1e-10. The best hits with alignment length ≥2 000 bp were plotted. Translocation between chromosomes A03 and B03 is evident in cultivated peanut. d, Eleven-genome alignment using co-linear genes, each mapped onto the barrel medic chromosomes. A, A. hypogaea A; B, A. hypogaea B; C, C. cajan; D, A. duranensis; E, C. arietinum; G, G. max; I, A. ipaensis; L, L. japonicus; M, M. truncatula; P, P. vulgaris; R, V. radiata; U, V. angularis (Adopted from Zhuang et al., 2019)