
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 140-151 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 145 nitrogen fixation ability often perform better in the field due to their genetic adaptations to the local environment (Mendoza-Suárez et al., 2021). This highlights the importance of considering both host and Rhizobiumgenetics in breeding programs to enhance symbiotic nitrogen fixation and improve legume crop productivity (Dwivedi et al., 2015). The ongoing co-evolutionary processes between rhizobia and legumes continue to shape the genetic landscape of these symbiotic partners, driving the development of more efficient and resilient symbiotic interactions. Figure 3 GmSK2-8 interacts with GmNSP1a and GmNSP1b (Adopted from He et al., 2020) Image caption: (A) Interaction of GmSK2-8 with GmNSP1a and GmNSP1b in BiFC assays. Scale bars represent 50 mm. (B) Interaction of GmSK2-8 with GmNSP1a and GmNSP1b in in vitro pull-down assays. GST, GST-GmNSP1a, and GST-GmNSP1b were used as baits, and their loading amounts are shown in the bottom panel. The input of prey protein His-GmSK2-8 and pull-down signals are shown in the upper panel. (C) GST-GmNSP1a and GST-GmNSP1b can pull down GmSK2-8-GFP from protein extracts of proGmUbi:GmSK2-8-GFP hairy roots. The loading amounts of GST, GST-GmNSP1a, and GST-GmNSP1b are shown in the bottom panel. (D and E) CoIP analysis of GmSK2-8-GFP protein with either the GmNSP1a-FLAG protein (D) or the GmNSP1b-FLAG protein (E) in soybean. A vector containing both GmSK2-8 and GmNSP1 was constructed and used for soybean hairy root transformation. The proteins were extracted from soybean hairy roots and immunoprecipitated by GFP beads. The input and co-immunoprecipitated proteins were subjected to immunoblot analysis with antiFLAG (upper panel) or anti-GFP antibody (lower panel). (F) GmSK2-8 colocalizes with GmNSP1a and GmNSP1b in the nuclei of N. benthamiana pavement cells. Scale bars represent 50 mm (Adopted from He et al., 2020)