
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 118-125 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 120 Figure 1 Genetic diversity and population structure of Robinia pseudoacaciafrom six improved variety bases in China as revealed by simple sequence repeat markers (Adopted from Guo et al., 2021) Image caption: Genetic structure of black locust populations in China (K = 4-7). Each individual is shown as a vertical line partitioned into K colored segments whose length is proportional to the individual coefficients of membership in K = 4~K = 7 genetic clusters that represent the populations assessed. The populations from left to right in the above figure are MJ (Mengjin), MQ (Minquan), SD (Shandong), GS (Gansu), LN (Liaoning) and SX (Shanxi), respectively. And among them, MJ and MQ belong to HN (Henan Province) (Adopted from Guo et al., 2021) Guo et al. (2021) used simple sequence repeat markers to analyze population genetics and genetic variation, showing the genetic diversity and population structure of Robinia pseudoacacia populations in six different elite variety bases in China, ranging from K=4 to K=7 Under different genetic clusters, each individual is divided into segments of different colors by vertical lines, indicating the proportion of individual membership coefficients in different genetic clusters. As the K value increases, the genetic structure of the population shows higher complexity, especially the Shandong and Gansu populations, which show significant genetic mixing and differentiation. This demonstrates significant genetic variation and differentiation across geographic locations in the black locust population, highlighting the potential impact of gene flow on population structure. Studies on the genetic diversity of R. pseudoacacia from different provenances have shown significant variation in phenotypic and physiological traits. For example, the Kentucky provenance exhibited the largest coefficient of variation, indicating high genetic variation among and within provenances, which is useful for breeding programs (Guo et al., 2022). Another study using allozymes found that the genetic distance among provenances in Europe and America was not significantly different, suggesting that R. pseudoacacia has maintained high genetic diversity across its range (Yang et al., 2004). 3.3 Historical biogeography and migration patterns The historical biogeography and migration patterns of R. pseudoacacia have been influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. In Japan, the invasive nature of R. pseudoacacia has been studied to understand its migration patterns. It was found that both sympatric and allopatric dispersals were active, with younger individuals being more prevalent in low-water channel areas, indicating recent migration events (Yaegashi et al., 2020). This suggests that effective management strategies should focus on regular removal of migrants to control the spread of this invasive species. In China, the introduction of R. pseudoacacia has enhanced the heterogeneity of understory environments, providing migration opportunities for various species and playing a crucial role in maintaining and increasing biodiversity (Zhao et al., 2020). Additionally, the genetic diversity of R. pseudoacacia in China has been shaped by the introduction of different varieties and provenances, which has contributed to its widespread distribution and adaptation to various environmental conditions. Overall, the evolutionary history and genetic diversity of R. pseudoacacia highlight its adaptability and resilience, making it a valuable species for silviculture and