
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 105-117 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 108 the genome that are linked to key domestication traits such as shoot branching, cotyledon color, and resistance to lodging (Pavan et al., 2022). Moreover, phylogenetic analyses have suggested that there may have been multiple independent domestication events in peas. This is supported by the detection of distinct genetic bases for domestication in different pea subpopulations, indicating that different groups of peas were domesticated separately (Hellwig et al., 2022). The genetic structure of wild and domesticated pea populations shows clear differentiation, with wild peas exhibiting greater genetic diversity compared to their domesticated counterparts (Hellwig et al., 2022; Rispail et al., 2023). 3.3 Key traits selected during domestication Several key traits have been selected during the domestication of peas to enhance their suitability for cultivation and consumption. These traits include: Seed Dispersal and Dormancy: One of the primary traits selected during domestication is the reduction of seed dispersal mechanisms and seed dormancy. Wild peas typically have dehiscent pods that shatter to disperse seeds, whereas domesticated peas have indehiscent pods that retain seeds, facilitating easier harvesting. Additionally, domesticated peas exhibit reduced seed dormancy, allowing for more uniform germination and cultivation (Hradilová et al., 2017). Pod and Seed Characteristics: Domestication has also led to changes in pod and seed characteristics. Domesticated peas often have larger seeds and pods compared to their wild relatives. These changes are associated with increased seed yield and improved ease of harvesting (Rana et al., 2017). Genetic studies have identified specific genes and metabolic compounds that are involved in these traits, such as proanthocyanidins and flavonoids in seed coats (Hradilová et al., 2017). Adaptation to Cultivation: Traits that enhance the adaptability of peas to different environmental conditions and cultivation practices have also been selected. These include traits related to plant architecture, such as shoot branching and resistance to lodging, which improve the overall productivity and resilience of the crop (Pavan et al., 2022; Rispail et al., 2023). In summary, the domestication of peas has involved the selection of multiple traits that enhance their suitability for human use. Genetic studies have provided valuable insights into the evolutionary history and genetic basis of these traits, highlighting the complex interplay between natural and human-mediated selection in shaping the domesticated pea. 4 Genetic Diversity in Peas 4.1 Sources of genetic diversity Genetic diversity in peas (Pisum sativumL.) arises from various sources, including wild relatives, landraces, and cultivated varieties. Wild peas, such as P. fulvum, contribute significantly to the genetic pool, offering traits that may have been lost during domestication (Rispail et al., 2023). The genetic diversity within the cultivated genepool is substantial, but wild material provides novel traits that can be incorporated into breeding programs (Smýkal et al., 2012). The integration of wild alleles into cultivated peas through intermediate subspecies like P. sativum subsp. jomardii and P. sativum subsp. arvense has been crucial during domestication (Rispail et al., 2023). 4.2 Assessment of genetic diversity using molecular markers Molecular markers are essential tools for assessing genetic diversity in peas. Various types of markers, including Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), Retrotransposon Based Insertion Polymorphism (RBIP), and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers, have been employed to characterize pea germplasm (Smýkal et al., 2012; Burstin et al., 2015). SSR markers, known for their high polymorphism, have been widely used to study genetic structure and diversity (Rana et al., 2017). SNP markers, particularly those developed through genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and SNP arrays, provide high-resolution insights into genetic variation and have been instrumental in