
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 105-117 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 107 Figure 1 Pea genome features (Adopted from Kreplak et al., 2019) Image caption: a, Circos view of the pea genome. Pseudomolecule color-code is shaded at estimated centromere positions. Lanes depict circular representation of pseudomolecules (a) and the density of retrotransposons, transposons, genes, ncRNA, tRNA and miRNA coding sequences (b-g). Lines in the inner circle represent links between synteny-selected paralogs. b, Estimated positions of centromeres in the assembly and their comparison to pea cytogenetic map is schematically represented, with pseudomolecules as white bars and cytogenetic maps of pea chromosomes as gray bars. Non-recombining regions representing the centromeres are marked in green. Positions of centromeric single-copy FISH markers are indicated above the pseudomolecules in black and positions of arrays of centromeric satellites present in the assembly are shown below them in blue. Positions of primary constrictions on the cytogenetic maps are labeled in red. PisTR-B satellite loci used to discriminate individual chromosomes are shown in purple boxes on the gray bars. c, FISH localization of the satellite repeats TR11/19 (red) and TR10 (green) on metaphase chromosomes (gray). d, Discrimination of chromosomes within the pea karyotype using FISH with PisTR-B probe (purple). e, Example of FISH detection of the single-copy marker (1 722, green) in the centromere of chromosome 6. f, Chromosome 6 with labeled centromeric repeat TR11/19. g, The density of different TE lineages inferred from the detection of their protein-coding domains along pseudomolecules (Adopted from Kreplak et al., 2019) 3.2 Genetic evidence of domestication Genetic studies have provided significant insights into the domestication process of peas. The use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) has allowed researchers to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of pea germplasm collections. These studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genetic markers that are associated with domestication traits (Pavan et al., 2022; Rispail et al., 2023). For instance, genome-wide scans have revealed selective sweeps in regions of