
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 23-26 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 26 Notably, the leaves of the Karaj ecotype and the seeds of the Mashhad ecotype, due to their superior nutritional and antioxidant properties, have potential for further commercial development. 4 Concluding Remarks This study demonstrates significant differences in morphological characteristics, proximate composition, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and antioxidant performance among different agroecotypes of fenugreek in Iran. The results indicate that fenugreek seeds are rich in nutrients, with high levels of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as high energy values. The leaves and seeds of these populations exhibit significant differences in antioxidant activity, mainly related to their total phenolic and flavonoid contents. There is notable variability in the ash, fat, crude fiber, protein, and carbohydrate contents of seeds among different populations, giving certain populations an advantage in specific nutritional components. For example, the seed protein content of some ecotypes is as high as 35.41%, while the fat content can reach 7.94%. This study provides scientific evidence for the application of fenugreek in the food industry and functional foods. The high nutritional content and antioxidant performance make fenugreek seeds have broad application potential, especially in the development of foods with high nutritional value and antioxidant functions. 5 Access Original Paper Bakhtiar Z., Hassandokht M., Naghavi M.R., and Mirjalili M.H., 2024, Variability in proximate composition, phytochemical traits and antioxidant properties of Iranian agro-ecotypic populations of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecumL.), Sci. Rep., 14(1): 87. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-50699-9 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the journal "Scientific Reports" for its open access policy, which allows readers free access to this valuable research. I am grateful to Ziba Bakhtia, Mohammadreza Hassandokht and Mohammad Hossein Mirjalili (two corresponding authors) and their research team for their work, providing an excellent case study for the legume research community. Due to different perspectives of reviewers on the understanding of the paper, I apologize if there are any discrepancies between the reviewers' perspectives on the data and results of the paper and the intentions of the authors.