
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 23-26 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 24 is relatively lower in seeds. These results indicate that the leaves have more pronounced antioxidant properties than the seeds, and there are significant associations among the components. Figure 2 Histograms of total phenol content (TPC), total favonoid content (TFC) (a), and radical scavenging activities (b) of leaf and seed extracts from 31 agro-ecotypic populations of Trigonella foenum-graecum 2 Insights of Research Results Through an in-depth analysis of the experimental data, they found a significant correlation between the morphological characteristics and proximate composition of different agroecotypes. Specifically, leaf protein content showed a significant positive correlation with seed protein content and seed energy value, with correlation coefficients of r=0.78 and r=0.64, respectively. This indicates that higher leaf protein content corresponds to higher seed protein content and energy value. Additionally, they observed a significant negative correlation between leaf moisture content and both leaf protein content and leaf energy value, with correlation coefficients of r=-0.65 and r=-0.57, respectively. This means that populations with higher leaf moisture content have relatively