
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 13-22 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 19 particularly suitable for the improvement of complex traits, such as yield and quality traits, because these traits are usually controlled by multiple genes (Cichy et al., 2015). Gene editing technology, especially the CRISPR/Cas9 system, provides the possibility to precisely modify crop genomes. Using the genetic markers discovered by GWAS, researchers can design specific gene editing tools to precisely knock out or modify genes that affect key traits. This strategy allows breeding not only to select for naturally occurring genetic variations, but also to create new genetic variations, further expanding the breeding possibilities. For some traits that are difficult to improve through traditional breeding methods, transgenic technology provides an effective solution. By introducing key genes identified in GWAS studies into crops, the performance of crop traits can be directly changed. This method has shown great potential in improving crop disease resistance and adaptability (Kamfwa et al., 2014). In actual molecular breeding processes, the above methods are often not used in isolation. In order to achieve the best improvement effect, breeders can comprehensively apply MAS, GS, gene editing, transgenic and other technologies according to specific circumstances. Through such an integrated strategy, genetic markers can be effectively utilized to improve the yield, quality, disease resistance, and environmental adaptability of leguminous crops. The application of genetic markers in molecular breeding has greatly enhanced the efficiency and precision of leguminous crop improvement. With the continuous advancement of genomic information and molecular biology technology, these strategies will be further optimized and expanded to provide strong support for global food security and sustainable agricultural development. Molecular breeding using genetic markers not only accelerates the process of crop improvement, but also provides new solutions to challenges encountered in traditional breeding. 3.3 Successful cases of application of genetic markers in molecular breeding Rajendran et al. (2021) have promoted the expansion of genomic resources of leguminous food crops such as peas. In particular, by using genome sequencing (GBS) technology, researchers can quickly and cost-effectively screen germplasm resources, discover genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), develop high-density linkage maps, and evaluate species. Genetic diversity in quality collections. This provides an important basis for molecular breeding of leguminous crops such as peas (Figure 4). Figure 4 Principal component analysis of 176 lentil accessions with K = 3 based on SNP genotyping (Adopted from Rajendran et al., 2021)