
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 13-22 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 17 Figure 2 GWAS of the soybean plant height (Adopted from Fang et al., 2022) Image caption: a: Distribution of the plant height values across all of the 809 soybean accessions; b: GWAS result from all accessions. In the GWAS result, both known genes Dt1 and E2 are identified; c: Quantile-quantile plot for plant height; d: The plant height variation between different Dt1 alleles in all 809 accessions; e: The GWAS result of plant height using the accessions from the Dt1 subgroup; f: Quantile-quantile plot for plant height of Dt1 subgroup; G: Plant height variation between different Dt2 genotypes in the Dt1 subgroup; h: The GWAS result of plant height using the accessions from the dt1 subgroup; i: Quantile-quantile plot for plant height of dt1 subgroup (Adopted from Fang et al., 2022) Figure 3 Comparison of mvMLM-based GWAS for oil and protein contents using unimputed and imputed genotype data (Adopted from Kim et al., 2022) These research results not only deepen our understanding of the genetic basis of leguminous crop traits, but also point the way for future breeding efforts, especially in improving crop yield, disease resistance and stress tolerance.