
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-12 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 11 agriculture actively collaborate to explore the interrelationship between nitrogen fixation and growth and development, providing a more comprehensive perspective for the study of leguminous plants. Researchers have gradually elucidated the molecular mechanism of nitrogen fixation through in-depth exploration of the symbiotic relationship between rhizobia and leguminous plants. Rhizobia infect plant roots, forming nodules and establishing symbiotic relationships. Nitrogen enzymes catalyze the conversion of nitrogen in the atmosphere into ammonia, providing plants with available nitrogen and promoting the improvement of soil fertility. Researchers have found that nitrogen fixation not only affects nitrogen supply, but is also closely related to plant growth and development. Nitrogen fixation has a significant impact on the overall growth of plants by affecting root development, leaf photosynthesis, and plant nutrient allocation. The mechanism of regulating nitrogen fixation and balancing growth and development has gradually become a focus of research. The development of genomics and molecular biology has enabled researchers to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying nitrogen fixation and growth and development regulation. The hormone signaling pathway and gene expression regulatory network are gradually being revealed, and the key role of transcription factors in regulating nitrogen fixation and growth and development processes is gradually becoming apparent. Research has found that regulating nitrogen fixation and balancing growth and development can bring enormous potential to agricultural production and the ecological environment. By utilizing nitrogen fixation capacity, scientists can improve the nitrogen utilization efficiency of crops, reduce the use of chemical nitrogen fertilizers, and thus reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, the introduction of gene editing technology is expected to further optimize the efficiency of nitrogen fixation, providing more possibilities for sustainable agricultural development. With the advocacy of global sustainable development, research on nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants is of great significance in promoting agricultural sustainability. By improving nitrogen fixation efficiency and reducing reliance on chemical nitrogen fertilizers, the negative impact of agriculture on the environment can be reduced, soil and water pollution can be reduced, and a more environmentally friendly agricultural production model can be achieved. Despite significant research progress, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome. The nitrogen fixation mechanisms of leguminous plants may vary under different environmental and ecological conditions, therefore further research is needed to reveal their diversity. In addition, the application of gene editing technology also requires careful consideration of potential ecological and environmental risks. The research on nitrogen fixation and growth and development regulation of leguminous plants has shown enormous potential, providing us with new perspectives on plant physiology and molecular biology, as well as new ideas for sustainable agricultural development and ecological environment protection. In the future, interdisciplinary cooperation, technological innovation, and in-depth research on ecological impacts will continue to drive the development of this field, making greater contributions to the sustainability of agriculture and global food safety. The understanding of this process has also brought new directions for the development of agriculture, ecological environment, and biotechnology. In the future, we can look forward to more interdisciplinary research collaborations to further reveal the growth and development mechanisms of leguminous plants, promote sustainable agricultural development, and maintain the health of ecosystems. Acknowledgments The authors extend sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.