
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-12 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 10 the growth and nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants. Further research can explore the mechanisms of these interactions and gain a deeper understanding of the overall regulatory network of nitrogen fixation and growth and development regulation in leguminous plants. 5.3 Application prospects of nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants in nitrogen management and sustainable agricultural development The nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants has important application prospects in nitrogen management and sustainable agricultural development. Leguminous plants can directly fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into organic nitrogen to supply plants through symbiosis with rhizobia. This nitrogen fixation ability enables leguminous plants to partially replace chemically synthesized nitrogen fertilizers. By utilizing leguminous plants for rotation or intercropping in a reasonable manner, the dependence of farmland on chemical nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced, nitrogen input in agricultural production can be reduced, thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment. The nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants releases organic acids and other compounds, which have a positive effect on soil improvement. Organic acids can lower soil pH, improve soil structure and permeability, and promote the decomposition and mineralization of organic matter in the soil. In addition, nitrogen fixation can increase the number and diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil, improve soil biological activity, and help maintain soil health and ecosystem balance (Li et al., 2008). The nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants can provide available nitrogen sources for crops, thereby improving their growth, development, and yield. Leguminous plants can also improve the nitrogen supply in the soil, providing organic nitrogen sources for the growth of other crops. In addition, the nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants also releases some growth regulating substances, such as gibberellins, which promote the growth and development of other crops. Therefore, reasonable use of leguminous plants for rotation or intercropping can improve the yield and quality of the entire farmland. The nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants can reduce the dependence of agricultural production on chemical nitrogen fertilizers, thereby reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used and the risk of loss. Excessive application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer can lead to nitrogen overload in soil and water, causing environmental problems such as eutrophication and soil acidification. Using leguminous plants as nitrogen fertilizer substitutes can reduce the probability of these environmental problems and minimize negative impacts on the environment. In addition, the nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants can also contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration. It can be seen that the nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants has broad application prospects in nitrogen management and sustainable agricultural development. By reasonably utilizing the nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants, nitrogen fertilizer substitution, soil improvement, improving crop yield and quality, and environmental protection can be achieved, promoting sustainable agricultural development. This will help improve the productivity of farmland, reduce negative impacts on the environment, and contribute to achieving sustainable agricultural development. However, it should be noted that in practical applications, it is also necessary to consider factors such as the suitable matching planting of leguminous plants with other crops, soil suitability, and management techniques, in order to fully tap into the potential of leguminous plants for nitrogen fixation. 6Outlook In the past few decades, significant progress has been made in the study of nitrogen fixation and growth and development regulation in leguminous plants, with in-depth exploration of the mechanisms, regulatory factors, and application prospects of this key physiological process. The research on nitrogen fixation and growth and development regulation of leguminous plants is increasingly integrating knowledge from different disciplines, forming interdisciplinary research cooperation. Experts in fields such as ecology, molecular biology, genetics, and