
Legume Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-12 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/lgg 9 relationships have been studied, there is still limited understanding of the specific roles and interaction mechanisms of these symbiotic microbial communities in nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. Future research can explore the interaction between these symbiotic microbial communities and leguminous plants, as well as their functions and regulatory mechanisms in nitrogen fixation processes. The nitrogen fixation capacity of leguminous plants is influenced by environmental factors such as soil pH, temperature, humidity, etc. However, our understanding of the specific effects and regulatory mechanisms of these environmental factors on nitrogen fixation is still limited. Future research can explore the interaction between nitrogen fixation and environmental factors, as well as the impact of these environmental factors on the nitrogen fixation capacity of leguminous plants (Zhang et al., 2021). Overall, there are still some unknown areas and challenges in the nitrogen fixation mechanism of leguminous plants. Future research can focus on revealing the symbiotic mechanism of rhizobia, the regulation of nitrogen fixation on plant growth and development, the interaction between leguminous plants and other symbiotic bacterial communities, and the interaction between nitrogen fixation and environmental factors. These studies will contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants and provide a better foundation for future agricultural and ecological applications. 5.2 Interaction between nitrogen fixation and other growth and development regulatory pathways in leguminous plants There is a complex interaction between the nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants and other growth and development regulatory pathways. The nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants involves multiple signaling pathways and regulatory factors, which interact and regulate with other growth and development regulatory pathways. Multiple hormones are involved in the nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants and interact with other growth and development regulatory pathways. It is well known that the plant hormone gibberellin can promote the formation and development of root nodules, thereby increasing nitrogen fixation capacity. Meanwhile, other hormones such as ethylene and abscisic acid also participate in the nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants and interact with the growth and development regulation pathways of plants. Photosynthesis is an important process for plant growth, development, and nitrogen fixation. Leguminous plants synthesize organic compounds through photosynthesis and use them for energy supply during nitrogen fixation. The photosynthetic products produced by photosynthesis, such as carbohydrates, have a regulatory effect on the nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants. In addition, photosynthesis also interacts with other growth and development regulatory pathways such as the plant auxin signaling pathway, jointly regulating the growth and nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants (Liu et al., 2023). The root system architecture of leguminous plants has a significant impact on their nitrogen fixation ability. The morphological structure and distribution of the root system play a crucial role in the formation of nodules and the efficiency of rhizobial symbiosis. At the same time, the development of the root system also interacts with other growth and development regulatory pathways, such as plant hormones and root tip activity, to jointly regulate the growth and nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants. In addition, the nitrogen fixation capacity of leguminous plants is regulated by environmental factors, such as soil nitrogen content, soil moisture, temperature, etc., which can affect the nitrogen fixation capacity of leguminous plants. Meanwhile, these environmental factors also interact with other growth and development regulatory pathways, jointly regulating the growth and nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants. It can be seen that the nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous plants has complex interactions with other growth and development regulation pathways, including hormone regulation, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism, root architecture and nitrogen fixation, as well as environmental factors and nitrogen fixation, jointly regulating