
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.4, 232-242 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 240 AWD has emerged as a critical innovation in water management for rice cultivation, offering a sustainable solution to the challenges of water scarcity and climate change. Its ability to reduce water usage and GHG emissions while maintaining or enhancing yields makes it a valuable tool for ensuring the long-term sustainability of rice production. However, widespread adoption of AWD requires addressing several challenges, including the need for precise water level monitoring, farmer education, and institutional support. As global water resources continue to dwindle, the role of AWD in global rice production will become increasingly important, necessitating concerted efforts to scale its adoption and optimize its implementation for diverse agricultural contexts. Acknowledgments Author sincerely thanks all the experts and scholars who reviewed the manuscript of this study. Their valuable comments and suggestions have contributed to the improvement of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Acosta-Motos J., Rothwell S., Massam M., Albacete A., Zhang H., and Dodd I., 2020, Alternate wetting and drying irrigation increases water and phosphorus use efficiency independent of substrate phosphorus status of vegetative rice plants, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 155: 914-926. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.06.017 PMid:32919099 Alauddin M., Sarker M., Islam Z., and Tisdell C., 2020, Adoption of alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation as a water-saving technology in Bangladesh: economic and environmental considerations, Land Use Policy, 91: 104430. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104430 Bwire D., Saito H., Mugisha M., and Nabunya V., 2022, Water productivity and harvest index response of paddy rice with alternate wetting and drying practice for adaptation to climate change, Water, 14(21): 3368. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14213368 Chidthaisong A., Cha-un N., Rossopa B., Buddaboon C., Kunuthai C., Sriphirom P., Towprayoon S., Tokida T., Padre A., and Minamikawa K., 2018, Evaluating the effects of alternate wetting and drying (AWD) on methane and nitrous oxide emissions from a paddy field in Thailand, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 64(1): 31-38. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2017.1399044 Enriquez Y., Yadav S., Evangelista G., Villanueva D., Burac M., and Pede V., 2021, Disentangling challenges to scaling alternate wetting and drying technology for rice cultivation: distilling lessons from 20 years of experience in the Philippines, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5: 675818. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.675818 Gharsallah O., Rienzner M., Mayer A., Tkachenko D., Corsi S., Vuciterna R., Romani M., Ricciardelli A., Cadei E., Trevisan M., Lamastra L., Tediosi A., Voccia D., and Facchi A., 2023, Economic, environmental, and social sustainability of Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation for rice in northern Italy, Frontiers in Water, 5: 1213047. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2023.1213047 Gonçalves J., Nunes M., Ferreira S., Jordão A., Paixão J., Eugénio R., Russo A., Damasio H., Duarte I., and Bahcevandziev K., 2022, Alternate wetting and drying in the center of Portugal: effects on water and rice productivity and contribution to development, Sensors, 22(10): 3632. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22103632 PMid:35632045 PMCid:PMC9144430 He G., Wang Z., and Cui Z., 2020, Managing irrigation water for sustainable rice production in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245: 118928. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118928 Ishfaq M., Farooq M., Zulfiqar U., Hussain S., Akbar N., Nawaz A., and Anjum S., 2020, Alternate wetting and drying: a water-saving and ecofriendly rice production system, Agricultural Water Management, 241: 106363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106363 Jiang Y., Carrijo D., Huang S., Chen J., Balaine N., Zhang W., Groenigen K., and Linquist B., 2019, Water management to mitigate the global warming potential of rice systems: a global meta-analysis, Field Crops Research, 234: 47-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2019.02.010 Kwanyuen B., Punyawansiri S., and Chaengpui K., 2021, Effects of alternate wetting and drying techniques on grain yield and water use efficiency in irrigated rice, Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(2): 3-10. https://doi.org/10.46754/jssm.2021.02.002 Livsey J., Kätterer T., Vico G., Lyon S., Lindborg R., Scaini A., Da C., and Manzoni S., 2019, Do alternative irrigation strategies for rice cultivation decrease water footprints at the cost of long-term soil health? Environmental Research Letters, 14(7): 074011. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab2108