
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.4, 232-242 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 237 challenges of introducing advanced water management practices in varied agricultural settings. The study's regional diversity allowed for a comprehensive assessment of AWD's effectiveness in reducing water usage and enhancing crop yields, while also addressing the specific needs and constraints of different farming environments. The map highlights the geographical spread and structural differences of the test sites. Figure 2 Map of the project locations (Adopted from Pham et al., 2021) 6.2 Implementation of AWD in the region In the Mekong Delta, the implementation of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) was facilitated by the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology to provide precise water level measurements. This technology allowed farmers to maximize the benefits of AWD by ensuring accurate irrigation scheduling, which led to significant water savings and reduced irrigation energy costs (Pham et al., 2021). In the Center of Portugal, AWD was implemented using field irrigation evaluation methods, which demonstrated the potential to save about 10% of irrigation water while maintaining crop productivity (Gonçalves et al., 2022). 6.3 Impact assessment: water use, yield, and environmental benefits The implementation of AWD in the Mekong Delta resulted in 13-20% water savings over manual AWD methods, reduced irrigation energy costs by 25%, and moderately enhanced rice yields by 2-11% (Pham et al., 2021). In Portugal, AWD allowed for an additional 10 to 29 days of dry soil, contributing to water savings and a reduced yield impact. The use of water level sensors was crucial in managing soil water deficits and mild crop stress during dry periods (Gonçalves et al., 2022). Furthermore, studies in China and other regions have shown that AWD can reduce irrigation water usage by 40%, increase water productivity by 34%, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% (He et al., 2020). Similarly, AWD has been found to reduce total water inputs by 25-70%, methane emissions by 11-95%, and heavy metal accumulation in rice grains, while maintaining or improving paddy yield (Ishfaq et al., 2020). 6.4 Lessons learned and Future recommendations The case studies highlight the importance of precise water management and the integration of technology to optimize AWD implementation. The use of IoT technology in the Mekong Delta demonstrated that accurate water level measurements are essential for maximizing the benefits of AWD, suggesting that future efforts should focus on promoting the adoption of such technologies among smallholder farmers (Pham et al., 2021). In Portugal, the success of AWD in saving water and maintaining yields underscores the need for guidelines to promote on-farm scale AWD automation and the development of smart irrigation supplies (Gonçalves et al., 2022). Additionally, the findings from China and other regions emphasize the need for policies that support and invest in both water management and high-yielding cultivation practices to achieve sustainable rice production (He et al., 2020; Ishfaq et al., 2020). Future research should continue to explore the long-term impacts of AWD on soil health, nutrient dynamics, and overall ecosystem sustainability to further refine and optimize this irrigation practice.