
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.4, 222-231 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 222 Feature Review Open Access The Role of Mineral Fertilizers in Enhancing Maize Nutritional Value Wei Wang , Shanjun Zhu, Jinhua Cheng Institute of Life Science, Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author: wei.wang@jicat.org Field Crop, 2024, Vol.7, No.4 doi: 10.5376/fc.2024.07.0022 Received: 13 Jun., 2024 Accepted: 24 Jul., 2024 Published: 17 Aug., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Wang et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Wang W., Zhu S.J., and Cheng J.H., 2024, The role of mineral fertilizers in enhancing maize nutritional value, Field Crop, 7(4): 222-231 (doi: 10.5376/fc.2024.07.0022) Abstract The role of mineral fertilizers in enhancing the nutritional value of maize has been extensively studied, with a focus on optimizing nutrient management practices to improve crop yield and quality. This study synthesizes findings from various studies to evaluate the impact of different fertilization strategies, including the use of mineral fertilizers alone and in combination with organic amendments such as compost, biochar, and manure. This study highlights that integrated nutrient management practices, particularly those combining mineral fertilizers with organic amendments, significantly enhance soil organic carbon content, nutrient use efficiency, and maize grain nutritional quality. For instance, long-term fertilization with manure combined with mineral fertilizers has been shown to improve soil organic carbon sequestration and maize yield. Similarly, the addition of biochar and compost with mineral fertilizers enhances nitrogen use efficiency and maize yield under water deficit conditions. The combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers also increases the concentration of essential minerals like iron and manganese in maize grains. Moreover, the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in conjunction with reduced mineral fertilizer rates can maintain high maize yields while improving soil nutrient availability. Overall, the findings suggest that integrated fertilization strategies are effective in enhancing the nutritional value of maize, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and improving soil health. Keywords Mineral fertilizers; Maize nutritional value; Organic amendments; Nutrient use efficiency; Soil health 1 Introduction Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important staple crops globally, providing a significant portion of the caloric intake for millions of people. It is a versatile crop that can be grown in diverse environmental conditions and has a wide range of uses, including human food, animal feed, and industrial raw materials (Palacios-Rojas et al., 2020; Suganya et al., 2020; Tanumihardjo et al., 2020). In many regions, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, maize plays a crucial role in food and nutrition security (Galani et al., 2022). The crop's adaptability and high yield potential make it a cornerstone of agricultural systems worldwide (Kumar and Ram, 2021). The nutritional value of maize is critical for both human and animal health. Maize grains are a source of essential macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as micronutrients like vitamins and minerals (Suganya et al., 2020; Dragičević et al., 2022). However, the micronutrient content of maize, particularly zinc, is often low, which can lead to deficiencies in populations that rely heavily on maize as a dietary staple (Palacios-Rojas et al., 2020; Suganya et al., 2020). Enhancing the nutritional profile of maize through biofortification and improved agricultural practices is essential for addressing malnutrition and improving overall health outcomes (Palacios-Rojas et al., 2020; Kumar and Ram H., 2021). Mineral fertilizers play a pivotal role in enhancing crop yields and nutritional quality. They provide essential nutrients that are often deficient in soils, thereby improving plant growth and productivity. For instance, nitrogen fertilizers are crucial for biomass accumulation and grain yield in maize (Alves et al., 2023; Zheng et al., 2023). Similarly, zinc fertilizers can significantly increase the zinc content in maize grains, addressing micronutrient deficiencies (Suganya et al., 2020; Kumar and Ram H., 2021). The use of mineral fertilizers, when managed properly, can lead to substantial improvements in both the quantity and quality of maize production (Wei et al., 2020; Dragičević et al., 2022).