
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.3, 158-170 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 168 essential. Governments and agricultural organizations should promote practices that enhance nitrogen use efficiency and reduce environmental impacts, such as integrated agronomic practices and the use of slow-release fertilizers (Liu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2019). Providing incentives for farmers to adopt these practices, such as subsidies or tax breaks, could accelerate their implementation. Additionally, investing in research and development to further refine these practices and develop new innovations is crucial. Policies should also focus on education and training programs to equip farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to implement sustainable practices effectively (Arodudu et al., 2017). Finally, fostering collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and farmers can help ensure that research findings are translated into practical, on-the-ground solutions (Szulc et al., 2020;Yu et al., 2020; Rizzo et al., 2022). By addressing these areas, future research and policy efforts can significantly enhance the protein and starch contents of maize, contributing to improved food security and sustainability. 10 Concluding Remarks The systematic review on the influence of agronomic practices on maize protein and starch contents has revealed several critical insights. Integrated agronomic practices management (IAPM) significantly enhances grain yield and quality by optimizing hormone balance and improving grain-filling characteristics. The application of nitrogen fertilizer, while beneficial to yield, must be carefully managed to avoid negative impacts on protein concentration and amino acid balance. Additionally, IAPM has been shown to increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and dry matter accumulation, particularly in high soil fertility conditions. Root growth and development are also positively influenced by IAPM, contributing to higher grain yields. Agronomic practices play a crucial role in determining the quality of maize grain. The choice of practices such as optimal planting density, split fertilizer application, and subsoiling tillage can significantly impact the protein and starch contents of maize. For instance, higher nitrogen application rates can improve kernel density and reduce breakage susceptibility, but excessive nitrogen can lower the nutritional value of the protein. Integrated practices that balance hormone levels and enhance root development are essential for achieving high-quality maize with optimal protein and starch contents. In conclusion, the adoption of integrated agronomic practices is vital for improving both the yield and quality of maize. Future research should focus on fine-tuning these practices to maximize their benefits while minimizing any adverse effects. It is recommended that farmers adopt a holistic approach to agronomic management, considering factors such as soil fertility, nitrogen application rates, and root development. By doing so, they can achieve sustainable increases in maize yield and quality, ultimately contributing to food security and agricultural sustainability. Acknowledgments Sincere thanks to the peer reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Andrade F.H., and Abbate P.E., 2005, Response of maize and soybean to variability in stand uniformity, Agronomy Journal, 97(5): 1263-1269. Arodudu O., Helming K., Voinov A., and Wiggering H., 2017, Integrating agronomic factors into energy efficiency assessment of agro-bioenergy production-A case study of ethanol and biogas production from maize feedstock, Applied Energy, 198: 426-439. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.APENERGY.2017.02.017 Augustine R., and Kalyanasundaram D., 2021, Effect of agronomic biofortification on growth, yield, uptake and quality characters of maize (Zea mays .L) through integrated management practices under north-eastern region of tamil nadu, india, Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13: 278-286. https://doi.org/10.31018/JANS.V13I1.2539 Ciampitti I., and Vyn T., 2013, Grain nitrogen source changes over time in maize: a review, Crop Science, 53: 366-377. https://doi.org/10.2135/CROPSCI2012.07.0439