
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.3, 158-170 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 164 climate trends and agronomic practices (Rizzo et al., 2022). This finding underscores the need to reevaluate the role of genetic progress in yield potential across different environments and crops. Despite this, advancements in genomic approaches, such as CRISPR technology, hold promise for future crop improvement by enabling precise genetic modifications that can enhance traits like protein and starch content (Nemade et al., 2023). Figure 2 Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on maize yield, protein, starch, and oil content under different climate conditions (Adapted fromMarković et al., 2021) Image caption: a1: Rainfed; a2: 60%~100% Field Capacity (FC); a3: 80%~100% Field Capacity (FC); (a): Yield; (b): Protein; (c): Starch; (d): Oil content; Nitrogen fertilization rates (b1: 0 kg N ha−1, b2: 100 kg N ha−1, b3: 200 kg N ha−1); (e): Yield; (f): Protein; (g): Starch; (h): Oil content; p <0.05 (*); p< 0.01 (**) (Adapted fromMarković et al., 2021) 6.2 Precision agriculture Precision agriculture has revolutionized modern farming by integrating advanced technologies such as satellite and drone imagery, sensor-based monitoring systems, and artificial intelligence. These tools facilitate precise resource management and data-driven decision-making, which are crucial for optimizing maize protein and starch contents. For instance, precision agriculture allows for the targeted application of nitrogen fertilizers, which has been shown to increase grain yield and protein concentration (Mason and D'croz-Mason, 2002; Nemade et al., 2023). Additionally, irrigation practices, a key component of precision agriculture, have been found to improve the biological value of maize protein and reduce kernel breakage susceptibility (Mason and D'croz-Mason, 2002). 6.3 Biotechnological interventions Biotechnological interventions, including the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and advanced breeding techniques, play a significant role in enhancing maize quality. The application of biotechnological tools can lead to the development of maize varieties with improved nutritional profiles, such as higher protein and starch contents. For example, the use of nitrogen fertilizers, a common biotechnological intervention, has been shown to alter the amino acid balance in maize, thereby affecting its nutritional value (Mason and D'croz-Mason, 2002). Furthermore, the integration of biotechnological innovations with sustainable agronomic practices can help mitigate the ecological impacts of traditional farming methods, promoting a more balanced and environmentally friendly approach to maize production (Nemade et al., 2023). In summary, while genetic technologies have contributed to maize yield improvements, their impact is relatively modest compared to agronomic practices and climate trends. Precision agriculture and biotechnological