
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.3, 124-133 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 130 finance, and enhanced education and training have shown promise in maintaining and increasing productivity. These innovations are crucial for ensuring the availability and stability of maize, which in turn affects economic and physical access to this staple crop. Zheng et al. (2018) found that significant spatial variations exist in maize production, yield, and water productivity across different regions globally. The meta-analysis of 360 locations shows that high maize production areas are concentrated in North America, China, and Brazil. However, yield per hectare varies considerably, with the highest yields observed in countries like the United States and France, while many regions in Africa and Asia show lower yields. Water productivity, which measures the efficiency of water use in maize production, also displays notable disparities. Some regions, particularly in South America and Europe, achieve high water productivity, whereas other areas, especially in Africa and parts of Asia, have much lower values. These findings highlight the potential for closing water productivity gaps to enhance food and water security, emphasizing the need for region-specific strategies to improve maize production efficiency globally. Figure 3 Closing water productivity gaps to achieve food and water security for a global maize supply (Adopted from Zheng et al., 2018) Image caption: (a) Location of study sites in the meta-analysis (n = 360 locations) and spatial variation in maize production areas, (b) Spatial variation in maize yield based on averages per country (n = 31), (c) Spatial variation in water productivity based on averages per country (n = 31) (Adopted from Zheng et al., 2018) 7.3 Experiences and lessons from typical regions Experiences from different regions provide valuable lessons for improving maize production systems globally (Hao et al., 2018). In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the maize agro-food system plays a critical role in ensuring food and nutrition security. Aligning maize production with the SDGs involves not only increasing yields but also promoting sustainable practices that support human health and environmental sustainability. This holistic approach underscores the importance of integrating multiple disciplines to address the complex challenges of global food security (Tanumihardjo et al., 2020). By examining these case studies, it becomes evident that successful maize production systems require a combination of innovative agricultural practices, overcoming ecological and socio-economic challenges, and aligning with broader sustainability goals. These insights can guide policymakers and stakeholders in developing strategies to enhance maize production and contribute to global food security (Sahito et al., 2024). 8 Future Directions 8.1 New directions in research and development The future of maize research and development must address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change, land degradation, and the need for sustainable agricultural practices. Innovations in crop breeding, such as the development of new integrative omics tools, advanced genome editing, and synthetic biology, are essential for designing future crops that can withstand environmental stresses and improve productivity (Tian et al., 2020). Additionally, there is a need to focus on the nutritional enhancement of maize through biofortification, which has shown promise in increasing the protein, provitamin A carotenoid, and zinc contents of maize (Palacios-Rojas et al., 2020). Research should also explore the optimization of sowing windows and cultivar choices to adapt to varying climatic conditions, as demonstrated by studies in China's Maize Belt (Huang et al., 2020). 8.2 Policy recommendations and international cooperation To ensure global food security, it is crucial to develop policies that support sustainable maize production and address the socio-economic barriers to innovation adoption. Policies should facilitate access to quality seeds,