
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.2, 93-104 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 97 (Table 1) (Ayele and Petrous, 2022). This suggests that adopting CA practices can enhance soil fertility and, consequently, crop yields. Table 1 Phyicochemical characteristics of the experimental site soil (0-20 cm), 2019- 2020 (Adopted from Ayele and Petrous, 2022) Soil characteristics BD Porosity pH(H2O) EC OC TN OM C:N P2O5 K2O CEC g/cm3 % 1:2.5 dS/m % ratio mg/kg g/kg cmol(+)/kg Paraso Initial 1.1 61.82 6.43 0.10 2.57 0.09 4.43 28.56 26.94 380.94 0.83 Rating S1 S1 MA SF M L M M H H VL CA 1.06 60.00 7.11 0.15 1.72 0.06 2.94 28.67 112.67 395.36 4.24 Rating S1 S1 MA SF MLMM VH VHVL CO 1.12 57.74 6.84 0.08 1.68 0.08 2.90 20.00 112.81 400.82 4.96 Rating S1 S1 MA SF LLMH VH VHVL TA 1.14 56.98 7.24 0.07 1,40 0.07 2.41 20.00 70.68 518.31 4.64 Rating S1 S1 SA SF L L L H VH VH VL Ocholo Initial 1.03 61.13 5.75 0.20 1.54 0.03 2.65 51.33 77.75 499.13 0.61 Rating S1 S1 N SF MLMM VH VHVL CA 1.02 61.51 6.13 0.27 2.52 0.12 4.34 19.38 140.15 545.63 4.28 Rating S1 S1 SAI SF MLMH VH VHVL CO 1.04 60.75 7.54 0.27 2.24 0.11 3.86 37.33 111.88 436.34 4.92 Rating S1 S1 SA SF MLMM VH VHVL TA 1.00 62.26 7.65 0.21 1.68 0.08 2.40 20.00 77.78 474.59 3.30 Rating S1 S1 N SF M L L H VH VH VL Bakole Initial 1.11 58.11 5.87 0.08 1.39 0.06 2.40 23.17 20.67 263.83 0.59 Rating S1 S1 N SF M L M M H VH VL CA 1.07 59.62 7.05 0.09 1.68 0.08 2.90 20.00 139.26 526.50 3.78 Rating S1 S1 SAI SF MLMH VH VHVL CO 1.04 60.75 6.17 0.06 1.12 0.06 1.93 18.67 127.48 318.58 2.78 Rating S1 S1 SA SF L L L H VH VH VL TA 1.04 60.75 6.24 0.06 1.40 0.07 2.41 20.00 136.55 395.36 4;80 Rating S1 S1 N SF l L L H VH VH VL Merchie Initial 1.03 61.13 6.26 0.10 1.48 0.05 2.55 29.60 24.24 487.69 0.58 Rating S1 S1 N SF L L M M H VH VL CA 1.00 62.26 7.65 0.13 1.68 0.07 2.90 24.00 97.48 545.63 3.78 Rating S1 S1 SAI SF MLMM VH VHVL CO 1.02 60.75 7.11 0.09 1.40 0.08 2.41 17.50 58.01 324.43 3.34 Rating S1 S1 SA SF L L L H VH VH VL TA 1.01 61.89 6,95 0.10 1.40 0.07 2.41 20.00 55.08 384.30 2.70 Rating S1 S1 N SF L L L H VH VH VL Note: L=Low; VL=Very low; M=Moderate, and H=High; MA=moderately acidic; SA=slightly Acidic; N=Neutral SAl=Slightly Alkaline; SF=Salt Free (i.e., EC=<2dS/m). %OC x1.724=%OM; pH=power of hydrogen; OM=organic matter; TN=total nitrogen; C:N=carbon toNitrogen ratio; Av.P2O5=available phosphorous. 1 dS/m=1000 μS/cm (Adopted from Ayele and Petrous, 2022) 5.3 Soil biodiversity Soil biodiversity is an essential component of soil health, influencing nutrient cycling, soil structure, and overall ecosystem function. Different maize cultivation practices have varying impacts on soil biodiversity. For example, the use of strip tillage has been shown to improve both above- and below-ground arthropod biodiversity by