
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.2, 79-92 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 90 By addressing these challenges and limitations through targeted research and practical solutions, the potential of integrated agronomic practices to enhance maize yield and nutrient use efficiency can be fully realized. 12 Concluding Remarks Integrated agronomic practices (IAP) have demonstrated significant potential in enhancing maize yield and nutrient use efficiency (NUE) across various soil fertility conditions. Studies have shown that IAP strategies, which include optimal planting density, split fertilizer application, and subsoiling tillage, can increase maize grain yield by up to 37% in high soil fertility (HSF) fields and 28% in low soil fertility (LSF) fields compared to traditional farmers' practices (FP). The improvements in yield are primarily attributed to increased dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) accumulation, greater leaf area index (LAI), and enhanced root length, which collectively promote better post-silking DM and N accumulation. Long-term studies have further validated the effectiveness of integrated soil-crop system management (ISSM) in achieving sustainable high maize yields and NUE. For instance, an 11-year field study in Northeast China reported a 27% increase in maize yield and significantly lower N losses and greenhouse gas emissions under ISSM compared to FP3. Additionally, integrated nutrient management (INM) practices, such as the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers, have been shown to improve soil fertility, carbon sequestration, and overall crop productivity. The findings from these studies underscore the importance of adopting integrated agronomic practices to enhance maize yield and NUE sustainably. Future agricultural practices should focus on the following: Optimization of Agronomic Practices: Implementing optimal planting densities, split fertilizer applications, and advanced tillage methods can significantly improve crop performance. Tailoring these practices to specific soil fertility conditions can maximize their benefits. Integration of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers: Combining organic amendments such as poultry manure, vermicompost, and biochar with inorganic fertilizers can enhance soil health, improve nutrient uptake, and increase crop yields. This approach also contributes to better soil carbon sequestration and reduced environmental impact. Long-term Sustainability: Long-term field studies highlight the need for sustainable management practices that balance high crop yields with minimal environmental costs. Strategies like ISSM and conservation agriculture, which include crop rotation and residue management, should be promoted for their long-term benefits. Precision Nutrient Management: Utilizing site-specific nutrient management tools can optimize fertilizer use, improve NUE, and enhance economic returns. This approach ensures that crops receive the right amount of nutrients at the right time, reducing waste and environmental pollution. The integration of advanced agronomic practices holds great promise for improving maize yield and nutrient use efficiency. By adopting a holistic approach that combines optimal planting techniques, precise nutrient management, and sustainable soil practices, farmers can achieve higher productivity while maintaining soil health and reducing environmental impact. Continued research and field trials are essential to refine these practices and adapt them to diverse agricultural settings, ensuring food security and sustainability for future generations. Funding This work was supported by the Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Jilin Province (#20240303004NC) Innovation Capacity Building Project of Jilin Development and Reform Commission (#2023C035-3) and the Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Jilin City (#20230501010). Acknowledgments Authors would like to express our gratitude to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their critical assessment and constructive suggestions on our manuscript.