
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.2, 58-69 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 60 Figure 1 Long-distance transmission of symbiotic miR172c accelerates flowering (Adopted from Yun et al., 2023) Image caption: (A) Phenotypes of composite plants expressing EV-1 and 35S: miR172c (miR172c-OX) inoculated without or with S. fredii CCBAU 45436 or the mutantstrain ΔptsP under LN conditions. (B) Daysfrom transplanting to flowering of EV-1 and miR172c-OX under the above treatments. Data are means±SDs (n≥5). (C) Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis of miR172c expression in leaves of different EV-1 and miR172c-OX treatments. Data are means ± SDs (n=3). (D) Phenotype of composite plants expressing EV-2 or CRISPR-Cas9 knockout mir172c roots inoculated without or with S. fredii CCBAU 45436 or mutant strain ΔptsP under LN conditions. (E) Days from transplanting to flowering of composite plants described in (D). Data are means±SDs (n≥10). (F) qRT-PCR analysis of miR172c abundance in leaves of the EV-2 and mir172c composite plantsin (D). Data are means±SDs (n≥3). (G and H) Phenotypes and flowering time of self-grafted wild-type DN50 (left) and intraspecific grafts between a wild-type scion and stale miR172cOX-40 rootstock (right) inoculated without and with B. diazoefficiens USDA110 under LN conditions. Data are means±SDs (n≥5). (I) miR172c abundance in leaves of grafted plants in (G). Data are means±SDs (n≥3). (J and K) Phenotypes and flowering time of grafted plants with non-nodulating mutant nod49 root stock inoculated without or with B. diazoefficiens USDA110 under LN conditions. Data are means±SDs (n≥10). (L) miR172c abundance in leaves of grafted plants shown in (J). Data are means±SDs (n≥4). Photos were taken at appearance of the first flowering. For each phenotype photo, red arrows indicate the first flowering buds, and red boxes indicate grafted sites. Scale bars, 5 cm. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test was used for statistical analysis (P≤0.05) (Adopted from Yun et al., 2023)