
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.2, 45-57 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 52 the technology facilitated cuts in fuel use, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions from the GM maize cropping area (Table 2) (Brookes, 2020). Table 2 Impact of using GM maize and cotton in Colombia: changes in insecticide use and associated environmental impact (as measured by EIQ indicator) 2003~2018 (Adopted from Brookes, 2020) Trait Change in volume of active ingredient used (‘000kg) Change in field EIQ impact (in terms of million field EIQ/ha units) Percent change in active ingredient use on GM crops Percent change in environmental impact associated with insecticide use on GM crops IR maize −279.4 −7.0 −66 −65 HT maize −278.5 −10.4 −13 −22 IR cotton −176.5 −7.1 −25 −27 HT cotton −45.1 −0.7 −5 −5 Total −779.4 −25.2 19 26 7.3 Lessons learned and best practices The case studies from Mexico and Colombia provide several key lessons and best practices for the use of GM maize in sustainable agriculture: Yield improvement: GM maize hybrids, particularly those with insect-resistant traits, can significantly increase crop yields. This is crucial for improving food security and farmer income, especially in developing countries (Díaz et al., 2016; Brookes, 2020). Economic benefits: The adoption of GM maize can lead to substantial economic gains for farmers. The increased income from higher yields and reduced costs associated with pesticide use make GM maize a financially viable option (Brookes, 2020). Environmental sustainability: The reduction in pesticide use and the associated decrease in environmental impact highlight the potential of GM maize to contribute to more sustainable agricultural practices. This includes lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduced chemical runoff, which are beneficial for the environment (Brookes, 2020). Risk assessment and management: Comprehensive environmental risk assessments are essential to ensure that GM crops do not pose additional risks compared to conventional crops. The studies in Mexico demonstrated that GM maize hybrids could be cultivated without increasing pest potential or ecological risks (Díaz et al., 2016). Regulatory framework: A conducive regulatory environment is necessary to facilitate the adoption of GM crops. Overregulation can hinder the potential benefits of GM technology, particularly in developing countries where the need for improved agricultural productivity is greatest (Qaim, 2009). By integrating these lessons and best practices, regions considering the adoption of GM maize can maximize the agronomic, economic, and environmental benefits while minimizing potential risks. 8 Regulatory and Public Perception 8.1 Overview of regulatory frameworks for GM crops The regulatory frameworks for genetically modified (GM) crops are designed to ensure their safety for human consumption and environmental impact. These frameworks involve rigorous testing and evaluation processes before GM crops can be approved for commercial use. Regulatory bodies such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, as well as similar organizations in other countries, play crucial roles in this process. They assess various factors, including potential allergenicity, toxicity, and environmental effects, to ensure that GM crops do not pose any significant risks (Halford and Shewry, 2000; Aziz et al., 2022). The legal requirements for containment and the roles of these regulatory bodies are essential in maintaining public trust and ensuring the safe deployment of GM crops in agriculture (Halford and Shewry, 2000).