
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 1-8 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 5 which can affect the accurate localization of related trait loci. When designing GWAS, researchers need to adopt appropriate statistical methods and correction measures to reduce the impact of these factors (Heeney, 2021). GWAS has a limited ability to detect rare variants. In crops, some important resistance traits may be controlled by lower-frequency variants, and GWAS is limited in its ability to detect these rare variants, which requires larger sample sizes and higher density of genotype data to improve detection capabilities. The biological interpretation and functional verification of GWAS results is also one of its challenges. GWAS can identify genetic markers associated with traits, but these markers may not be directly involved in the regulation of traits, which requires subsequent biological experiments to verify the function of these associated sites and reveal their mechanism of action in disease resistance (Ciochetti et al., 2023). Large amount of data and computational complexity are another difficulty in GWAS research. With the development of sequencing technology, the amount of genetic data generated is increasing, which puts higher requirements on data storage and analysis, and more efficient computational methods and software tools need to be developed to deal with these large-scale data. 3.3 Strategies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of GWAS research Improving the efficiency and accuracy of genome-wide association study (GWAS) is essential to reveal the genetic basis of complex traits such as crop disease resistance and is an important topic in current genetic research. To improve the efficiency and accuracy of GWAS research, it is necessary to comprehensively consider many factors, such as sample size, gene chip density, phenotypic data quality, population structure control, multi-omics data integration, functional validation, meta-analysis and repeated validation. By adopting these strategies, genetic variants associated with important traits such as crop disease resistance can be found more effectively, providing powerful molecular tools for crop breeding. Increasing the sample size can improve the statistical power of GWAS and help detect more genetic variation related to traits, and a large sample size can also help reduce the incidence of false positives (Spencer et al., 2009). The use of high-density gene chips can improve the coverage of genetic variation and increase the chance of detecting genetic markers associated with traits. Accurate and reliable phenotypic data are key to the success of GWAS, and improved methods for collecting and measuring phenotypic data, as well as the use of standardized phenotypic evaluation systems, can improve the accuracy of studies. Population structure and kinship can influence the results of GWAS, and the use of appropriate statistical models or methods (such as mixed linear models) to control for these factors can reduce the occurrence of false positives. Integrating multi-omics data such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics can provide a more comprehensive biological context to help interpret GWAS results and uncover potential functional genetic variants. Functional verification of candidate genes identified by GWAS through gene editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 (Laurie et al., 2010) can ensure that these genes are indeed associated with traits, thus improving the accuracy of studies. By meta-analysis of GWAS results from different studies, the reliability of the results can be improved. At the same time, repeated validation is also an important step to ensure that genetic variants of biological significance are found. 4 Future Development Direction and Prospect 4.1 Development of high-throughput sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools The development of high-throughput sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools has had a profound impact on the application of genome-wide association study (GWAS) in crop disease resistance breeding. High-throughput sequencing technologies, including second-generation sequencing (such as Illumina) and third-generation sequencing (such as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore), allow researchers to access vast amounts of genetic information with unprecedented speed and precision. These techniques can not only provide high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, but also reveal structural and rare variants, providing rich genetic variation data for GWAS (Xiao et al., 2022). High-throughput sequencing technology can also be used in transcriptomics, epigenetics and genome resequencing studies, providing a new perspective for the molecular mechanism of crop disease resistance.