
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 37-44 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 40 cultivation is profitable, it involves risks related to farm profitability and sustainable use of farm resources, highlighting the need for technical solutions to reduce operation costs. In conclusion, the integration of environmental and economic perspectives in sugarcane processing reveals that sustainable practices not only contribute to environmental conservation but also offer economic advantages that can be further enhanced by supportive policies and incentives. 4 Case Studies and Practical Examples 4.1 Successful implementations Sustainable practices in the sugarcane industry have been successfully implemented in various regions, demonstrating the potential for environmental and socio-economic improvements. In north-eastern Thailand, a case study revealed that optimizing fertilizer and pesticide use, along with mechanized harvesting, could increase yields, lower environmental impacts, and reduce production costs, although mechanization is associated with increased environmental impacts and reduced employment. Similarly, the integration of biomass gasification and Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in sugarcane biorefineries has shown a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, by 85%~95% compared to fossil equivalents, and the potential for higher economic performance when energy-cane is processed (Bressanin et al., 2020). The valorization of waste and by-products from sugarcane processing has also been a focus, with technologies established for converting waste into biofuels and other value-added products, contributing to the sustainability of the environment, agriculture, and human health (Ungureanu et al., 2022). In Thailand, the implementation of a sugarcane biorefinery system that utilizes cane trash for power generation was found to yield the highest eco-efficiency, improving economic value and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 4.2 Comparative analysis Comparing traditional and sustainable practices in the sugarcane industry reveals significant differences in environmental and economic outcomes. In Tucumán, Argentina, life cycle assessments showed that high technology levels in agriculture, which avoid pre-harvest burning and use better cultural practices, result in lower environmental impacts across several categories. In Thailand, a life cycle assessment of sugarcane biorefinery systems indicated that green cane production and integrated biomass residue utilization could substantially reduce environmental impacts, with potential reductions in climate change impacts by 38% and fossil depletion by 21% (Khumla et al., 2022). Conversely, a sustainability assessment of large-scale ethanol production from sugarcane highlighted the environmental and natural resource impacts of such systems, with low renewability and significant consumption of topsoil, water, and land. A techno-economic analysis in Colombia suggested that a biorefinery producing fuel ethanol and PHB from combined cane bagasse and molasses could offer the best economic, environmental, and social performance. The inclusion of anaerobic digestion of vinasse in sugarcane biorefineries has been analyzed, showing positive impacts on productivity and sustainability, with an increase in surplus electric energy and reduced environmental impacts in almost all categories (Longati et al., 2020). Lastly, an environmental and social life cycle assessment in Thailand identified cane trash burning and overuse of chemical fertilizers as key issues, suggesting that addressing these could enhance the sustainability of sugarcane-based products. 5 Challenges and Opportunities 5.1 Barriers to implementation The adoption of sustainable practices in sugarcane processing faces several challenges that can hinder progress across the industry. One of the primary barriers is technological limitations. While advanced technologies exist that can reduce environmental impacts and enhance efficiency, they often require significant upfront investments and are not always readily accessible to small-scale producers or in developing regions. For example,