
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 37-44 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 38 This study aims to outline the environmental and economic challenges associated with sugarcane processing and to review the technologies and practices that can mitigate these challenges The scope of analysis will encompass the environmental impacts of waste generation, the economic implications of by-product valorization, and the social dimensions of sugarcane production. By synthesizing the findings from recent research, this paper seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the sustainability of sugarcane processing and to offer insights into the pathways for achieving a more sustainable sugarcane industry. 1 Overview of Sugarcane Processing 1.1 Current processing methods Sugarcane processing involves several steps, starting with the cultivation of the sugarcane crop, followed by harvesting, milling, and processing of by-products. The juice extracted from sugarcane stalks is the primary raw material for sugar production, which accounts for 86% of global sugar output (Ungureanu et al., 2022). During milling, the stalks are crushed to extract the juice, and the remaining fibrous material, known as bagasse, is often used as a biofuel for energy production. The processing also generates significant quantities of solid and liquid waste, including straws, press mud, wastewater, ash from bagasse incineration, vinasse from ethanol distillation, and molasses. Recent developments in sugarcane processing have focused on incremental improvements aimed at reducing costs and enhancing revenue, with particular attention to exploiting the energy value of sugarcane (Rein, 2019). 1.2 Environmental impact The environmental challenges associated with sugarcane processing are substantial. Annually, more than 279 million tons of waste are generated, posing risks to environmental factors and human health if not properly managed. The burning of sugarcane for harvesting contributes to atmospheric pollution. Additionally, sugarcane cultivation impacts include global warming, human toxicity, terrestrial acidification, freshwater and marine eutrophication, and ecotoxicity (Ungureanu et al., 2022). Water depletion and the degradation of soils and aquatic systems are also significant concerns. However, the valorization of waste and by-products has gained momentum, contributing to sustainable development and circular bioeconomy. 1.3 Economic impact Economic factors in sugarcane processing include the cost of production, profitability, and market challenges. The competitiveness of sugarcane for food and fuel production is influenced by environmental and economic factors, such as the demand for bioethanol and the emergence of electric vehicles (Silalertruksa and Gheewala, 2020). Mechanized harvesting can reduce production costs but may increase environmental impacts and reduce employment. The sugarcane industry is also affected by fluctuating sugar prices and the need to diversify for sustainability. The concept of sugarcane biorefineries, which integrate the production of sugar, ethanol, and other bio-based products, has been proposed to improve economic and environmental sustainability. In conclusion, while sugarcane processing is a significant economic activity, it faces environmental and economic challenges that must be addressed to ensure its sustainability. The integration of environmental and economic perspectives is crucial for the development of sustainable sugarcane processing practices. 2 Environmental Perspectives on Sustainability 2.1 Sustainable agricultural practices Sustainable agricultural practices are essential for minimizing the environmental impact of sugarcane cultivation. Crop rotation, organic farming, and reduced chemical use are among the techniques that can enhance sustainability. In North-eastern Thailand, the environmental and socio-economic impacts of sugarcane cultivation were assessed, revealing that freshwater ecotoxicity, eutrophication, and marine ecotoxicity were the most significant impacts (Kumar et al., 2020). Sustainable practices such as optimal fertilizer and pesticide application can increase yields, thereby reducing environmental impacts and production costs. Additionally, mechanized harvesting, while reducing labor costs, can lead to increased environmental impacts and reduced employment, suggesting a need for balanced approaches.