
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 27-36 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 32 Breeding cassava varieties with strong stress resistance is one of the important goals of modern agricultural breeding, and 'Guiken 09-26' is an outstanding case in this field. This variety was obtained through hybrid breeding technology in 2008, using 'South China 5' as the female parent and 'South China 205' as the male parent, aiming to cultivate a new variety with high yield, high starch content, and excellent stress resistance. During the breeding process, breeding experts conducted meticulous observation and testing of hybrid offspring through multi generation systematic breeding and strict screening evaluation 'Guiken 09-26 'showed strong resistance under adverse conditions such as drought and pests, significantly reducing planting risks (Liu et al., 2016). 3.2 Use of biotechnology to improve cassava Gene editing technologies, especially the CRISPR-Cas9 system, have revolutionized cassava breeding. By precisely editing the genome of cassava, it is possible to directionally alter the function of its specific genes, resulting in the development of cassava varieties with superior traits. For example, the application of gene editing techniques in cassava breeding offers the potential to precisely modify the genetic factors responsible for stress tolerance. This can lead to the development of cassava varieties that enhance their resistance to drought and high temperature stress (Snowdon et al., 2020). Genetically modified technology imparts new traits to cassava by introducing foreign genes into the cassava genome, allowing them to be expressed and produce corresponding proteins or enzymes. The potential of transgenic technology in improving cassava stress resistance is enormous, as it can introduce new traits that confer resilience to climate-induced stresses (Brown et al., 2020). Molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) technology is a molecular biology-based breeding method that utilizes molecular markers, such as DNA fragments, to track and select target genes or traits. Molecular marker-assisted selection techniques can speed up the breeding process by improving breeding efficiency by identifying and selecting desirable traits at the genetic level (Atlin et al., 2017). 3.3 Diversified planting strategies Mixed cropping refers to planting cassava on the same plot of land as other crops such as beans, corn, etc. This planting pattern can improve the utilization of land resources through complementary effects. Crop rotation refers to the cultivation of different crops in different years or seasons. This planting pattern helps to improve soil structure, increase soil fertility and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Diverse cropping strategies, such as mixed cropping and crop rotation patterns, can have a positive impact on cassava growth by enhancing soil health and reducing pest and disease stress (Smith, 2020). Crop diversity refers to the cultivation of a variety of crops in farmland, which can enhance the stability of farmland ecosystems and improve the stress resistance of crops. In arid or saline areas, planting some drought-tolerant and salinity-tolerant crops can reduce the stress on cassava. The contribution of crop diversity to resistance to stress is reflected in the ability of different cropping systems to buffer environmental stresses, thereby improving overall resilience (Olaosebikan et al., 2023). In cassava planting, a reasonable layout can make full use of land resources, improve light and ventilation conditions, and promote the growth and yield of cassava. The appropriate planting density should also be determined according to the comprehensive consideration of cassava varieties, soil conditions, climatic conditions and other factors. Optimizing planting density and layout can further promote cassava growth by ensuring that plants have enough resources and space to thrive even under stressful conditions (Olaosebikan et al., 2023). These strategies are essential to adapt cassava cultivation to a changing climate and ensure sustainable production. 4 Sustainable Development of Cassava Cultivation under Climate Change 4.1 Application of climate-smart agriculture in cassava cultivation Precision agriculture technology is an agricultural production method based on modern information technology, which realizes the precise control and management of the crop growth environment through real-time acquisition and analysis of farmland information. Precision agriculture technology can optimize cassava cultivation by