
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 27-36 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 28 This study aims to explore in depth the impact of climate change on cassava cultivation, as well as the importance of genetic adaptation and breeding strategies in addressing climate change. Through this study, scientific basis and technical support can be provided for cassava cultivation, contributing to ensuring global food security. At the same time, it can also provide reference and inspiration for the cultivation of other crops, and provide new ideas and methods for addressing climate change. 1 The Relationship between Cassava Cultivation and Climate Change 1.1 Climate conditions for cassava growth Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root crop that thrives in a variety of climatic conditions, making it a staple food for millions of people worldwide. Optimal growth of cassava is achieved in tropical environments where temperatures range between 25 °C and 29 °C. It can tolerate a temperature level of up to 40 °C, beyond which the rate of photosynthesis may decrease (Pushpalatha and Gangadharan, 2020). Cassava is also adaptable to different levels of solar radiation and can be cultivated in regions with variations in sunshine duration without significant yield compromise. Rainfall is another critical factor for cassava cultivation. While cassava can withstand periods of water stress by reducing stomatal conductance and through leaf drooping, it generally requires a well-distributed annual rainfall of 1000-1500 mm. However, cassava has shown resilience to water scarcity and can be grown in areas with lower rainfall. Additionally, cassava can tolerate air humidity variations and has some level of salinity tolerance, with established plants able to withstand up to 150 mM of salinity (Pushpalatha and Gangadharan, 2020). 1.2 Specific impacts of climate change on cassava growth Cassava has demonstrated a strong positive response to elevated CO2 levels, with studies showing increased photosynthetic rates and yield stimulation under higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Rosenthal et al., 2012). However, high temperatures can negatively impact cassava productivity, as indicated by a robust model of yield response to climate change for several key African crops, including cassava (Schlenker and Lobell, 2010). The yield of cassava is projected to decrease with rising temperatures, which could lead to significant losses in productivity . The changes in rainfall patterns caused by climate change will affect cassava production. For example, the positive and negative effects of precipitation on cassava production vary at different times. In Nigeria, the increase in rainfall is related to a positive coefficient in the short term, but has a negative impact on cassava production in the long term (Mbanasor, 2015). In addition, climate predictions indicate that due to changes in rainfall and evapotranspiration, cassava yield may decrease, leading to the development of water stress during crop growth (Pipitpukdee et al., 2022). Extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, pose a significant threat to cassava cultivation. Cassava's ability to adapt to drought conditions is significant, but long-term water stress can still lead to reduced water yields. For example, Pipitpukdee et al. (2020) found that cassava yield has an inverted U-shaped relationship with temperature, and the harvest yield due to climate change is expected to decrease by 2.57~6.22% (Figure 1). In addition, the geographical distribution of pests and diseases affecting cassava is expected to change, and new areas will become vulnerable to pests and diseases such as cassava mosaic, whitefly, brown streak, and cassava mealybug (Jarvis et al., 2012). These biotic stresses, combined with abiotic factors such as extreme temperature fluctuations and increased salinity due to sea level rise, may challenge cassava adaptation (Pushpalatha and Gangadharan, 2020). 2 Genetic Adaptation Mechanism of Cassava 2.1 Genetic diversity of cassava and its potential for combating adversity Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important tropical crop with extensive genetic diversity. This genetic diversity is not only reflected in the genetic differences between its wild ancestor species and cultivated species, but also in the genetic variations within cultivated species. This genetic diversity provides cassava with the potential to resist adversity. By screening and utilizing these genetic resources, scientists can cultivate cassava