
Field Crop 2024, Vol.7, No.1, 9-16 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/fc 15 Using GWAS results to guide molecular breeding can also improve breeding accuracy and prediction ability. Traditional breeding methods are often affected by complex environmental interactions between genotype and phenotype, resulting in low breeding efficiency. However, GWAS results can provide breeders with more accurate and reliable genetic information, help them better understand the genetic basis of target traits, and accurately predict the phenotypic performance of hybrid offspring (Spindel et al., 2016), so as to achieve the accurate achievement of breeding goals. Using GWAS results to guide molecular breeding can also promote the innovation and development of breeding methods. With the continuous progress of molecular breeding technology, more and more molecular markers and analytical methods have been applied in breeding practice, providing breeders with more choices and possibilities. GWAS results provide important basis and support for the application of these molecular breeding technologies, and provide new ideas and directions for the innovation and development of breeding methods. 5Outlook With agricultural production facing more and more climate change and environmental pressure, the importance of research and improvement of reverse-resistant crops has become increasingly prominent. As one of the most important grain crops, barley resistance has attracted much attention. Using GWAS to study the molecular genetic mechanism of barley resistance is a prospective method, whose potential value is not only to reveal the genetic basis of barley resistance, but also to provide an important scientific basis for future precision breeding. Looking ahead, the following aspects will become the key development directions of GWAS research on barley resistance. The integrated application of high-throughput sequencing technology will become an important trend in GWAS research. With the continuous development of sequencing technology, researchers can more comprehensively explore the genetic diversity of barley genome, thus providing more abundant genetic variation data. Combining high-throughput sequencing technology with GWAS can speed up the identification of genetic variation related to barley resistance, and provide scientific basis for further analysis of its molecular genetic mechanism. Functional genomics will play an important role in the study of inverse resistance. By studying the function and regulatory mechanism of genes, functional genomics can deeply understand the mode of action and interrelationship of genes related to barley reverse-tolerance. Combined with the results of GWAS, functional genomics can help researchers understand the contribution degree of specific genes to barley reverse-tolerance, thus providing an important reference for the formulation of molecular regulatory strategies. The application prospect of precision breeding technology in barley improvement is worth looking forward to. Precision breeding technology, such as gene editing and molecular marker-assisted selection, can accurately improve key genes identified by GWAS, and quickly breed barley varieties with more resistance. The application of precision breeding technology is expected to accelerate the breeding process of barley resistant varieties, improve their ability to adapt to environmental changes and withstand adversity pressure. Using GWAS to study the molecular genetic mechanism of barley resistance is not only a challenging task, but also a field full of hope and prospects. By integrating high-throughput sequencing, the role of functional genomics, and the promise of precision breeding, researchers hope to uncover the underlying mechanisms of barley resistance and provide scientific basis for breeding more resistant barley varieties to address growing environmental challenges and ensure food security and sustainable agricultural development. References Abdellaoui A., Dolan C.V., Verweij K.J.H., and Nivard M.G., 2022, Gene-environment correlations across geographic regions affect genome-wide association studies, Nature Genetics, 54: 1345-1354. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-022-01158-0 PMid:35995948 PMCid:PMC9470533 Andersen E.J., Ali S., Reese R.N., Yen Y., Neupane S., and Nepal M.P., 2016, Diversity and evolution of disease resistance genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 12: 99-108. https://doi.org/10.4137/EBO.S38085