
Cotton Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 93-102 101 climate change and the need for sustainable agricultural practices, the role of introgression in breeding programs will become increasingly important. By leveraging the genetic potential of interspecific introgression, we can continue to enhance the adaptability and productivity of cotton, ensuring its viability as a critical crop for the future. Acknowledgments The authors extend sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback on the manuscript of this paper, whose evaluations and suggestions have greatly contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Burgarella C., Barnaud A., Kane N., Jankowsky F., Scarcelli N., Billot C., Vigouroux Y., and Berthouly-Salazar C., 2018, Adaptive introgression: an untapped evolutionary mechanism for crop adaptation, Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 4. Chen Y., Liu G., Ma H., Song Z., Zhang C., Zhang J., Zhang J., Wang F., and Zhang J., 2018, Identification of introgressed alleles conferring high fiber quality derived fromGossypium barbadense L. in secondary mapping populations of G. hirsutumL., Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 1023. Chhatre V., Evans L., DiFazio S., and Keller S., 2018, Adaptive introgression and maintenance of a trispecies hybrid complex in range‐edge populations of Populus, Molecular Ecology, 27: 4820-4838. Fang L., Zhao T., Hu Y., Si Z., Zhu X., Han Z., Liu G., Wang S., Ju L., Guo M., Mei H., Wang L., Qi B., Wang H., Guan X., and Zhang T., 2021, Divergent improvement of two cultivated allotetraploid cotton species, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19: 1325-1336. Fraïsse C., Belkhir K., Welch J., and Bierne N., 2016, Local interspecies introgression is the main cause of extreme levels of intraspecific differentiation in mussels, Molecular Ecology, 25(1): 269-286. Hamilton J., and Miller J., 2016, Adaptive introgression as a resource for management and genetic conservation in a changing climate, Conservation Biology, 30(1): 33-41. Han T., Wu Q., Hou X., Li Z., Zou Y., Ge S., and Guo Y., 2015, Frequent introgressions from diploid species contribute to the adaptation of the tetraploid Shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Molecular Plant, 8(3): 427-438. Jiang N., Li Z., Dai Y., Liu Z., Han X., Li Y., Li Y., Xiong H., Xu J., Zhang G., Xiao S., Yuan X., and Fu Y., 2022, Massive genome investigations reveal insights of prevalent introgression for environmental adaptation and triterpene biosynthesis in Ganoderma, Molecular Ecology Resources. Keerio A., Shen C., Nie Y., Ahmed M., Zhang X., and Lin Z., 2018, QTL mapping for fiber quality and yield traits based on introgression lines derived from Gossypium hirsutum×G. tomentosum, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(1): 243. Khodwekar S., and Gailing O., 2017, Evidence for environment-dependent introgression of adaptive genes between two red oak species with different drought adaptations, American Journal of Botany 104(7): 1088-1098. Miller J., and Hamilton J., 2016, Interspecies hybridization in the conservation toolbox: response to Kovach et al. (2016), Conservation Biology, 30(2): 431-433. Mota M., Pinheiro F., Leal B., Wendt T., Palma‐Silva C., and Palma‐Silva C., 2018, The role of hybridization and introgression in maintaining species integrity and cohesion in naturally isolated inselberg bromeliad populations, Plant Biology 21(1): 122-132. Nie X., Wen T., Shao P., Tang B., Nuriman-Guli A., Yu Y., Du X., You C., and Lin Z., 2020, High‐density genetic variation maps reveal the correlation between asymmetric interspecific introgressions and improvement of agronomic traits in Upland and Pima cotton varieties developed in Xinjiang China, The Plant Journal, 103: 677-689. Suarez-Gonzalez A., Lexer C., and Cronk Q., 2018, Adaptive introgression: a plant perspective, Biology Letters, 14(3): 20170688. Wang P., Wang M., Dong N., Sun G., Jia Y., Geng X., Liu M., Wang W., Pan Z., Yang Q., Li H., Wei C., Wang L., Zheng H., He S., Zhang X., Wang Q., and Du X., 2022, Introgression fromGossypium hirsutumis a driver for population divergence and genetic diversity in Gossypium barbadense, The Plant Journal: