
Cotton Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 81-92 82 understanding of the complexity and evolutionary dynamics of Gossypiumclassification, contributing to the broad knowledge of plant evolution and agricultural biotechnology. 2 Historical Perspectives onGossypiumClassification 2.1 Early taxonomic efforts The initial taxonomic efforts to classify the genus Gossypiumwere spearheaded by Todaro in the mid-19th century, with significant contributions in 1863 and 1877. These early studies provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the genus, which is economically important due to its cotton fiber production (Fryxell, 1969). Following Todaro, Watt's major treatise in 1907 further advanced the classification, providing a more detailed understanding of the genus (Fryxell, 1969). 2.2 Classical morphological studies Classical morphological studies played a crucial role in the taxonomic classification of Gossypium. Botanists began to employ more rigorous morphological studies, examining various plant parts such as leaves, flowers, seeds, and fibers in detail. This period saw the publication of several monographs and floras that described and categorized Gossypium species based on their morphological traits. Notable contributions came from botanists such as Alphonse de Candolle and Asa Gray, who systematically documented the diversity within the genus (Hoquet, 2014; Haufler, 2015). These morphological studies provided a more structured framework for distinguishing between species, despite the limitations imposed by the lack of genetic and molecular tools. Furthermore, researchers like Zaitzev (1928) and Mauer (1930) made significant conceptual advances by focusing on the morphological characteristics of the species (Fryxell, 1969). These studies were instrumental in identifying and categorizing various species within the genus based on observable traits. 2.3 Contributions of Linnaean taxonomy The advent of Linnaean taxonomy in the 18th century marked a pivotal moment in the classification of Gossypium. Carl Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy, introduced a binomial nomenclature system that brought uniformity and consistency to species classification (Zhang and Shea, 2007). Linnaeus himself classified several Gossypium species, providing a theoretical foundation for subsequent taxonomic work. The Linnaean system emphasized the importance of hierarchical classification and species naming conventions, which greatly influenced botanical taxonomy. Linnaeus’s contributions were instrumental in organizing the existing knowledge of Gossypiumspecies and facilitating further taxonomic research. The Linnaean system of taxonomy, which classifies organisms based on a hierarchical structure, was applied to Gossypiumby several researchers. Hutchinson's treatment in 1947 is perhaps the most widely accepted modern classification, despite some nomenclatural inadequacies (Fryxell, 1969). Prokhanov (1947) and Roberty (1942, 1946, 1950) also contributed to the Linnaean taxonomy of Gossypium, although their classifications were often considered chaotic and less useful (Fryxell, 1969). 2.4 Evolution of Gossypiumclassification over time The classification of Gossypium has evolved significantly over time, incorporating new data from various scientific disciplines. Modern studies have integrated molecular genetics, biogeography, and phylogenetic analysis to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the genus (Huang et al., 2020; Viot and Wendel, 2023). For instance, the evolutionary history of Gossypium has been elucidated through the analysis of nuclear and chloroplast genes, revealing rapid diversification and complex hybridization events (Cronn et al., 2002). Additionally, the genome sequencing of Gossypium species has provided insights into the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of cotton genomes (Hu et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020). 3 Modern Advances inGossypiumTaxonomy 3.1 Molecular phylogenetics Molecular phylogenetics has significantly advanced our understanding of the evolutionary relationships within the Gossypiumgenus. By employing phylogenomic methods, researchers have been able to reassess the phylogenetic history of Gossypium, providing a temporal framework for its diversification. For instance, whole genome