
Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.5, 227-235 230 parameters were highest under watering 3 times per week (W1) with increase by 12.50%, 18.21%, 3.54%, 9.91% and 2.80% for ash, fat, moisture and crude protein contents respectively relative to W0 (Table 4). Relative to daily watering, bulb proximate composition was reduced by W5: ash (70.24%), NFF (51.42%), fat (68.17%), moisture (56.94%) and crude protein (76.03%). Table 2 Effect of watering regime on yield of Allium cepa Yield parameter Watering regime W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 LSD (0.05) Number of bulbs 2.60±0.81a 3.82±0.86a 2.80±0.66a 3.00±5.05a 2.80±0.73a 1.92±0.24a Ns Bulb length (cm) 3.54±0.21b 4.82±0.46ab 4.01±0.10b 3.21±0.22b 2.56±0.76a 2.01±0.20ab 0.05 Bulb diameter (cm) 8.46±0.76b 9.02±1.01b 9.00±0.76b 7.78±1.10b 7.54±1.11b 1.42±0.16a 0.09 Bulb fresh weight (g) 134.60±00c 149.00±0.00e 148.80±0.00f 121.10±0.00b 142.70±0.00d 20.26±0.00a 0.20 Bulb dry weight (g) 16.80±0.00e 31.10±0.00f 26.50±0.00d 14.80±0.00c 13.40±0.00b 1.58±0.00a 0.02 Bulb circumference (cm) 9.46±0.76b 11.02±1.01b 10.56±0.76b 8.58±1.11b 7.34±1.10b 1.40±0.18a 0.04 Note: Values are mean + standard error of 5 replicates. Means with the same letter(s) in superscript on the same row are not significantly different at p=0.05 (LSD Test). W0= watered 4 times/week, W1= watered 3 times/week, W2= watered 2 times/week, W3= watered once/week, W4= watered once/2 weeks, W5= permanently waterlogged, Ns = non-significant, LSD =Least Significant Difference Table 3 Effect of watering regime on nutritional composition of Allium cepabulbs Watering Regime Nutritional composition N P K Ca Mg W0 2.06a 18.32a 1.52a 1.00ab 0.65a W1 2.44a 20.26a 1.84a 0.90b 0.60a W2 1.50b 17.53a 0.91b 0.84b 0.54a W3 1.30b 17.40a 0.82b 0.79b 0.40a W4 1.24b 16.23a 0.79b 0.77b 0.35a W5 1.07b 16.01a 0.75b 0.72b 0.34a LSD (0.05) 0.02 Ns 0.02 0.01 Ns Note: Values are mean of 3 replicates. Means with the same letter(s) in superscript on the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 (Tukey HSD Test). W0= watered 4 times/week, W1= watered 3 times/week, W2= watered 2 times/week, W3= watered once/week, W4= watered once/2 weeks, W5= permanently waterlogged, Ns = non-significant, LSD =Least Significant Difference Table 4 Effect of watering regime on proximate composition of Allium cepabulbs Watering Regime Proximate composition Ash NFE Fat & oil Moistur e Protein Fibre W0 11.46a 66.12a 15.71a 2.81a 8.76a 2.64a W1 12.50a 65.40a 18.21a 3.54a 9.91a 2.80a W2 10.52a 52.20ab 15.13a 2.42a 9.83a 1.90ab W3 7.52b 45.60ab 13.54a 2.10a 5.71ab 1.32ab W4 5.32b 46.02ab 11.21a 1.90b 6.20a 1.04ab W5 3.41b 32.12b 5.00b 1.21b 2.10b 0.81b LSD (0.05) 0.32 1.20 0.43 0.09 0.12 0.02 Note: Values are mean of 3 replicates. Means with the same letter(s) in superscript on the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05(LSD Test). W0= watered 4 times/week, W1= watered 3 times/week, W2= watered 2 times/week, W3= watered once/week, W4= watered once/2 weeks, W5= permanently waterlogged, Ns = non-significant, LSD =Least Significant Difference