
Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 193-204 196 al., 2013). The Cuvier’s gazelle (Gazella cuvieri) relies heavily on acacias, which are key species in their diet, providing essential nutrients and moisture (Herrera-Sánchez et al., 2023). Rodents, such as the spinifex hopping-mouse, may prefer invertebrate material over plant seeds, possibly due to the higher water content in invertebrates (Murray and Dickman, 1994). Additionally, desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) track the flowering phenology of their preferred food plants, consuming succulent plants during the spring when they are most abundant and nutritious (Jennings and Berry, 2015). 4.3 Feeding behaviors and diet specialization Feeding behaviors and diet specialization among desert herbivores are influenced by the availability of food resources and environmental conditions. The gemsbok and springbok demonstrate different feeding strategies; the gemsbok shows high dietary plasticity, consuming a mix of C3, C4, and CAM plants, while the springbok is more of a generalist feeder (Lehmann et al., 2013). The Cuvier’s gazelle exhibits a browsing behavior, primarily feeding on acacias and other shrubs, which helps them survive in the hyper-arid Sahara desert (Herrera-Sánchez et al., 2023). Desert tortoises are selective herbivores that adjust their diet based on the temporal availability of preferred food plants, focusing on plants in a succulent state during the spring (Jennings and Berry, 2015). Insect herbivores, such as the dung beetle Pachysoma glentoni, have unique nutritional adaptations, subsisting on plant litter and demonstrating efficient nutrient assimilation (Holter et al., 2009). These diverse feeding behaviors and diet specializations enable desert herbivores to thrive in environments with limited and variable food resources. 5 Carnivores and Predators in the Desert 5.1 Key desert predators Desert ecosystems, despite their harsh conditions, support a variety of predators that play crucial roles in maintaining ecological balance. Key predators in these arid environments include reptiles, birds of prey, and mammals. For instance, large carnivorous reptiles such as varanid lizards (e.g., Varanus tristis, V. gouldii, and V. panoptes) are prevalent in arid Australia and primarily feed on invertebrates, although they also consume small vertebrates opportunistically (Cross et al., 2020). Birds of prey, such as hawks and eagles, are adept hunters that target small mammals and reptiles. Mammalian predators, including the versatile puma (Puma concolor), exhibit remarkable dietary flexibility, consuming a wide range of prey species across different habitats in the Americas (Karandikar et al., 2022). 5.2 Hunting strategies and prey selection Predators in desert ecosystems employ various hunting strategies and exhibit selective prey preferences to maximize their survival in resource-scarce environments. For example, pumas adapt their diet based on environmental conditions and prey availability, consuming larger prey species in regions farther from the equator and smaller prey in tropical areas (Karandikar et al., 2022). Varanid lizards, on the other hand, primarily rely on abundant invertebrate prey such as Orthoptera but will also consume mammalian carrion and small reptiles when available. These reptiles can survive on infrequent feeds and even aestivate during unfavorable conditions, showcasing their adaptability (Cross et al., 2020). Additionally, wild carnivores may select prey based on macronutrient content, optimizing their nutrient intake to enhance performance and survival (Kohl et al., 2015). 5.3 Role of scavengers in nutrient cycling Scavengers play a pivotal role in nutrient cycling within desert ecosystems by breaking down carcasses and recycling nutrients back into the environment. Mammalian carnivores, such as those in northern temperate and African savanna ecosystems, exhibit facultative predation and scavenging behaviors, shifting between these strategies based on seasonal availability of carrion and prey vulnerability. This flexibility allows them to exploit various food sources throughout the year, thereby maintaining ecological balance. Scavengers, including top carnivores, provide a consistent supply of carcasses that support other scavengers when natural carrion availability is low, thus buffering the ecosystem against anthropogenic and environmental changes (Pereira et al., 2014). This intricate interplay between predation and scavenging underscores the importance of scavengers in sustaining nutrient cycles in desert habitats.