
Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 172-182 179 soil carbon dynamics. For instance, cord-forming ectomycorrhizal fungi and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi have been shown to influence carbon storage through their effects on fungal tissue turnover and decomposition (Clemmensen et al., 2015). Additionally, drought conditions can reduce soil organic carbon content by decreasing plant litter input and litter decomposition rates, further emphasizing the importance of root systems in maintaining SOC levels (Deng et al., 2021). Understanding the contributions of tree root systems to SOC is essential for predicting long-term soil carbon storage and climate feedbacks in various ecosystems (Clemmensen et al., 2015; Deng et al., 2021). 9 Challenges and Future Directions 9.1 Knowledge gaps in root-soil water interactions Despite significant advancements in understanding tree root responses to drought, there remain substantial knowledge gaps, particularly in fine-scale root adaptations. Current research has highlighted the importance of root biomass adjustments, anatomical alterations, and physiological acclimations in drought conditions (Brunner et al., 2015). However, the intricate interactions between fine roots and soil water dynamics, especially under varying degrees of soil moisture, are not fully understood. For instance, the response characteristics of fine roots to different soil drought levels, such as changes in fine-root vertical distribution and morphological traits, need further exploration (Tan et al., 2023). Additionally, the role of root hydraulics and their contribution to water extraction during critical growth stages remains under-researched (Vadez, 2014). Understanding these fine-scale adaptations is crucial for developing comprehensive models of root-soil water interactions and improving predictions of tree responses to climate change. 9.2 Implications for forest management and conservation Insights into root structure and water dynamics can significantly inform forest management and conservation strategies, particularly in the context of increasing drought frequency and intensity. For example, knowledge of how tree roots adjust their vertical distribution and morphological traits in response to soil drought can guide the selection of drought-resistant species and the design of forest stands that are more resilient to water stress (Tan et al., 2023). Additionally, understanding the hydraulic characteristics of roots and their role in water uptake can help in developing management practices that optimize water use during critical growth periods (Vadez, 2014). Forest management strategies can also benefit from recognizing the importance of established root systems in maintaining tree health during prolonged droughts, as trees often rely on existing roots to access deeper water sources rather than growing new roots (Mackay et al., 2019). These insights can lead to more effective conservation practices that enhance the long-term resilience of forest ecosystems to drought. 9.3 Technological advances in root study Emerging tools and methods are revolutionizing the study of root-soil interactions and drought resilience. Advances in imaging technologies, such as minirhizotrons, allow for detailed observation of fine-root dynamics and their responses to environmental stressors over time (Zwetsloot and Bauerle, 2021). Additionally, the development of dynamic root-hydraulic models provides new insights into the feedback mechanisms between root growth, carbon allocation, and soil-plant hydraulics under drought conditions (Mackay et al., 2019). Omics approaches, including genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, have significantly enhanced our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying root system architecture and its remodeling under drought stress (Ranjan et al., 2022). These technological advancements are crucial for identifying key traits and regulatory elements that contribute to drought resilience, thereby informing breeding programs and conservation strategies aimed at developing drought-tolerant tree species and forest ecosystems. 10 Concluding Remarks Tree root structures play a pivotal role in influencing soil water dynamics, particularly under drought conditions. Various studies have highlighted the adaptive responses of root traits to water stress, emphasizing the importance of root system architecture (RSA) in drought adaptation. Key root traits such as root depth, root length, root diameter, and root-to-shoot ratio exhibit significant plasticity under water-limited environments, enabling trees to optimize water uptake and maintain physiological functions during drought.