
Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 99-108 106 ecosystem functions. The role of leaf litter in shaping soil microbial communities also highlights the need for preserving native tree species and preventing the loss of biodiversity, which could have cascading effects on soil health and forest ecosystem stability. Leaf litter plays a crucial role in forest ecosystems by influencing soil fertility, microbial diversity, and nutrient cycling. The interactions between leaf litter and soil microorganisms are complex and driven by both the diversity and identity of the litter. These interactions are essential for maintaining the health and productivity of forest soils. As such, leaf litter should be recognized as a vital component of forest ecosystems, with significant implications for forest management and conservation efforts. By fostering diverse and high-quality leaf litter inputs, we can support robust soil microbial communities and ensure the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems. Acknowledgments The author sincerely appreciates the valuable opinions and suggestions provided by the three anonymous reviewers, whose meticulous review greatly helped us improve the quality of this article. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Baldrian P., 2016, Forest microbiome: diversity, complexity and dynamics, FEMS microbiology reviews, 41(2): 109-130. Baldrian P., 2017, Microbial activity and the dynamics of ecosystem processes in forest soils, Current opinion in microbiology, 37: 128-134. Bani A., Pioli S., Ventura M., Panzacchi P., Borruso L., Tognetti R., Tonon G., and Brusetti L., 2018, The role of microbial community in the decomposition of leaf litter and deadwood, Applied Soil Ecology, 126: 75-84. Dong X., Gao P., Zhou R., Li C., Dun X., and Niu X., 2021, Changing characteristics and influencing factors of the soil microbial community during litter decomposition in a mixed Quercus acutissima Carruth. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest in Northern China, Catena, 196: 104811. Elias D., Robinson S., Both S., Goodall T., Majalap-Lee N., Ostle N., and McNamara N., 2020, Soil microbial community and litter quality controls on decomposition across a tropical forest disturbance gradient, Front. For. Glob. Change, 3: 81. Feng J., He K., Zhang Q., Han M., and Zhu B., 2022, Changes in plant inputs alter soil carbon and microbial communities in forest ecosystems, Global Change Biology, 28: 3426-3440. He Z., Yu Z., Huang Z., Davis M., and Yang Y., 2016, Litter decomposition, residue chemistry and microbial community structure under two subtropical forest plantations: A reciprocal litter transplant study, Applied Soil Ecology, 101: 84-92. Huang Y., Yang X., Zhang D., and Zhang J., 2020, The effects of gap size and litter species on colonization of soil fauna during litter decomposition in Pinus massoniana plantations, Applied Soil Ecology, 155: 103611. Jabiol J., Cornut J., Tlili A., and Gessner M., 2018, Interactive effects of dissolved nitrogen, phosphorus and litter chemistry on stream fungal decomposers, FEMS microbiology ecology, 94: 10. Jing Y., Tian P., Wang Q., Li W., Sun Z., and Yang H., 2021, Effects of root dominate over aboveground litter on soil microbial biomass in global forest ecosystems, Forest Ecosystems, 8: 1-9. Joly F., Fromin N., Kiikkila O., and Hattenschwiler S., 2016, Diversity of leaf litter leachates from temperate forest trees and its consequences for soil microbial activity, Biogeochemistry, 129: 373-388. Liang J., Lu Z., Yu Z., Wang J., and Wang X., 2015, Effects of leaf litter extraction fluid from dominant forest tree species on functional characteristics of soil microbial communities, Journal of Forestry Research, 27: 81-90.