Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 46-58 49 Figure 1 Functional predictive analysis (FAPROTAX and FUNGuild) of the rhizosphere microbiome and RDA between functional items and soil physicochemical factors among the 18-, 12-, and 6-year-restored dunes in Mu Us Sandy Land (Adopted from Liu et al., 2022) Image caption: A-B represent bacteria in summer (A) and fall (B) after 6, 12, and 18 years of sand-fixing restoration.(C) represents fungi in summer (left) and fall (right), while panels (D) and (E) represent RDA of functional groups in summer and fall, respectively. Different uppercase letters in the histogram represent significant differences among different sand-fixing years (P < 0.05). The functional annotation items are abbreviated as follow: chemoheterotrophy (Che.), aerobic chemoheterotrophy (AC), ureolysis (Ure.), aromatic compound degradation (ACD), nitrate reduction (NR), nitrification (Nit.), aerobic nitrite oxidation (ANO), fermentation (Fer.), methylotrophy (MeL.), methanol oxidation (MO), dark oxidation of sulfur compounds (DOSC) in bacteria, are represented in black for RDA; arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), plant pathogen-plant saprotroph (PPPS), plant pathogen-wood saprotroph (PPWS), endophyte-lichen parasite-plant pathogen-undefined saprotroph (ELPU) in fungi, are represented in underlined purple for RDA (Adopted from Liu et al., 2022) 4.2 Biochemical characterization (e.g., nitrogenase activity assays) Biochemical characterization of isolated strains often includes assessing their nitrogenase activity, which is crucial for nitrogen fixation. The acetylene reduction assay is a common method used to measure this activity. For example, strains E20 and E50 (T) from the salt meadow plant rhizosphere demonstrated nitrogen fixation capability through the acetylene reduction assay (Suarez et al., 2014). In another study, various Pseudomonas spp. isolates from the sugarcane rhizosphere exhibited nitrogenase activity, with strain CoA6 showing the highest activity (Li et al., 2017).