Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 87-98 90 3.3 Effects of microbiota on rice plant health and yield Soil microbiota have profound effects on the health and yield of rice plants. These effects are mediated through various mechanisms, including nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and the enhancement of stress tolerance. For instance, the inoculation of rice plants with beneficial microbes such as Phomopsis liquidambari can significantly improve nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, leading to enhanced grain yield and quality. This fungus not only helps in nutrient acquisition but also modifies the soil microbial community, promoting a more efficient nutrient cycling process. Additionally, the presence of beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere can suppress the growth of harmful pathogens through competitive exclusion and the production of antimicrobial compounds. The overall effect of a well-balanced microbial community is a healthier plant with increased resilience to environmental stresses and higher productivity. These insights underscore the potential of harnessing soil microbiota for sustainable rice cultivation, reducing the need for chemical inputs, and improving crop yields (Harman and Uphoff, 2019; Tang et al., 2021). 4 Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Microbiota The impact of agricultural practices on soil microbiota is profound, as these practices determine the composition, diversity, and functionality of microbial communities in the soil. Understanding how different farming methods influence soil microbiota is crucial for developing strategies that support sustainable agriculture. 4.1 Conventional vs. sustainable agricultural practices Conventional agricultural practices, which typically involve the extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and intensive tillage, have been shown to negatively impact soil microbial diversity and health. These practices often lead to soil compaction, reduced organic matter, and a decline in beneficial microbial populations. In contrast, sustainable agricultural practices, such as organic farming, conservation tillage, and crop rotation, tend to promote microbial diversity and enhance soil health. Organic farming, for example, avoids synthetic inputs and instead relies on organic amendments, which support a diverse and active microbial community. Studies have shown that soils managed under organic systems exhibit higher microbial biomass and enzyme activities, which are indicative of a healthy and resilient soil ecosystem. These sustainable practices help in maintaining the ecological balance, enhancing nutrient cycling, and improving the overall fertility of the soil, making them more conducive to long-term agricultural productivity (Chen et al., 2020; Tahat et al., 2020). 4.2 Influence of pesticides, fertilizers, and tillage on soil microbial communities The application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers significantly alters the structure and function of soil microbial communities. Pesticides, while targeting specific pests, can also inadvertently harm non-target soil organisms, leading to a reduction in microbial diversity and disrupting soil ecological processes. Similarly, the overuse of chemical fertilizers can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil, which may favor certain microbial populations over others, reducing overall diversity. Tillage practices also have a substantial impact on soil microbiota. Conventional tillage disrupts the soil structure, exposing microbial communities to environmental stresses such as oxygen fluctuations and moisture loss, which can decrease microbial diversity and activity. In contrast, conservation tillage, which minimizes soil disturbance, has been found to preserve soil structure and enhance microbial diversity and functional stability. The integration of organic fertilizers and reduced tillage has been shown to support a more diverse and resilient microbial community, which is essential for maintaining soil health and productivity (Nivelle et al., 2016; Babin et al., 2019). 4.3 Case studies on organic farming and microbiota diversity Numerous case studies have demonstrated the positive effects of organic farming on soil microbiota diversity. For instance, research conducted on farms transitioning from conventional to organic practices revealed a significant increase in microbial diversity over time. Organic farming practices, which typically involve the application of compost, manure, and other organic amendments, create a favorable environment for a wide range of microorganisms. These organic inputs provide a continuous source of nutrients for soil microbes, enhancing their activity and diversity (Barea, 2015; O’Callaghan et al., 2022).