Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 59-70 64 5.3 Effects on plant health and productivity Microbial decomposition has direct and indirect effects on plant health and productivity. The breakdown of plant residues and organic matter by microbes releases essential nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which are vital for plant growth. The input of fresh plant materials into the soil can initially inhibit but eventually stimulate the decomposition of soil organic carbon, providing a continuous supply of nutrients for plants (Yu et al., 2020). Moreover, the microbial community composition and functions can be influenced by long-term nutrient additions, which in turn affect plant growth and soil carbon storage (Tian et al., 2019). The balance between microbial decomposition and stabilization of organic carbon is crucial for maintaining soil fertility and supporting plant productivity (Malik et al., 2019). By understanding the microbial mechanisms underlying decomposition, we can better manage soil health and enhance plant productivity in various ecosystems. 6 Enhancing Microbial Decomposition for Soil Health 6.1 Strategies to promote beneficial microbial activity Promoting beneficial microbial activity in soil is crucial for enhancing soil health and fertility. One effective strategy is crop rotation, which helps in diversifying the microbial community and reducing the build-up of soil-borne pathogens. Crop rotation can improve soil structure and nutrient availability, thereby fostering a more resilient microbial ecosystem (Arcand et al., 2016). Organic amendments, such as compost and manure, are another vital strategy. These amendments provide essential nutrients and organic matter that stimulate microbial activity and diversity. For instance, the addition of composted sugar beet residue has been shown to significantly increase the nutrient content and microbial activity in soil, thereby improving plant establishment and soil rehabilitation under semiarid conditions (Mengual et al., 2014). Similarly, long-term organic fertilization has been found to enhance microbial biomass and activity, promoting the degradation of complex organic compounds and improving soil fertility (Francioli et al., 2016). 6.2 Use of microbial inoculants and biofertilizers Microbial inoculants and biofertilizers are increasingly recognized for their role in sustainable agriculture. These products contain beneficial microorganisms that can enhance nutrient availability, improve soil structure, and promote plant growth. For example, bacterial and fungal inocula can increase nutrient bioavailability through nitrogen fixation and mobilization of key nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and iron. The co-inoculation of bacteria and fungi with organic fertilizers has been shown to be particularly effective in reinstating soil fertility and organic matter content (Rashid et al., 2016). Biofertilizers such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Trichoderma species are commonly used due to their plant growth-promoting properties (Figure 2). These microorganisms can enhance nutrient uptake, improve plant defense mechanisms, and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers (Ortiz and Sansinenea, 2022; Palma et al., 2022). However, the effectiveness of these biofertilizers can vary depending on the specific microbial strains used and their interactions with the native soil microbiota (Schweinsberg-Mickan and Müller, 2009). 6.3 Impact of soil management practices on microbial decomposition Soil management practices such as tillage and cover cropping have significant impacts on microbial decomposition processes. Tillage can disrupt soil structure and microbial habitats, leading to a decrease in microbial biomass and activity. Conversely, reduced or no-till practices can enhance microbial diversity and activity by preserving soil structure and organic matter (Arcand et al., 2016). Cover cropping is another beneficial practice that can enhance microbial decomposition. Cover crops provide continuous organic inputs to the soil, which serve as substrates for microbial activity. This practice can improve soil organic carbon content and nutrient cycling, thereby supporting a healthy and active microbial community. Long-term studies have shown that organic management systems, which often include cover cropping, result in higher microbial biomass and enzyme activities compared to conventional systems (Arcand et al., 2016).