Molecular Soil Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 37-45 43 The findings underscore the potential of dung decomposers as a sustainable and cost-effective strategy for soil management and agricultural productivity. Incorporating dung beetles into soil management practices can enhance soil structure, nutrient availability, and plant growth, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and soil rejuvenating tillage practices. This biological approach not only improves soil health but also supports biodiversity, which is essential for resilient agricultural ecosystems. Moreover, the use of dung beetles and other decomposers can mitigate the negative impacts of intensive grazing and other agricultural practices on soil quality. Dung decomposers are vital for maintaining healthy and productive soils. Their ability to enhance nutrient cycling, improve soil structure, and support plant growth makes them indispensable in sustainable agriculture. The integration of dung decomposers into soil management practices offers a promising avenue for improving soil fertility and crop yields while reducing environmental impacts. Future research should continue to explore the diverse roles of dung decomposers in different ecosystems and develop practical applications for their use in agriculture. Acknowledgments The author appreciates the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Adekiya A., Olaniran A., Adenusi T., Aremu C., Ejue W., Iranloye Y., Gbadamosi A., and Olayanju A., 2020, Effects of cow dung and wood biochars and green manure on soil fertility and tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) performance on a savanna Alfisol, Scientific Reports, 10: 21021. Ahmed N., and Al-Mutairi K., 2022, Earthworms effect on microbial population and soil fertility as well as their interaction with agriculture practices, Sustainability, 14(13): 7803. Alves F., Aguilera-Olivares D., Rocha M., and Arab A., 2022, Termites are the main dung removals in a degraded landscape in Brazil, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 982602. Andresen E., and Urrea-Galeano L., 2022, Effects of dung beetle activity on tropical forest plants, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 979676. Badenhorst J., Dabrowski J., Scholtz C., and Truter W., 2018, Dung beetle activity improves herbaceous plant growth and soil properties on confinements simulating reclaimed mined land in South Africa, Applied Soil Ecology, 132: 53-59. Chen S., Wang W., Xu W., Wang Y., Wan H., Chen D., Tang Z., Tang X., Zhou G., Xie Z., Zhou D., Shangguan Z., Huang J., He J., Wang Y., Sheng J., Tang L., Li X., Dong M., Wu Y., Wang Q., Wang Z., Wu J., Chapin F., and Bai Y., 2018, Plant diversity enhances productivity and soil carbon storage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: 4027-4032. Cornejo A., Pérez J., López‐Rojo N., García G., Pérez E., Guerra A., Nieto C., and Boyero L., 2021, Litter decomposition can be reduced by pesticide effects on detritivores and decomposers: Implications for tropical stream functioning, Environmental Pollution, 285: 117243. Eisenhauer N., Vogel A., Jensen B., and Scheu S., 2018, Decomposer diversity increases biomass production and shifts aboveground-belowground biomass allocation of common wheat, Scientific Reports,8(1): 17894. Evans K., Mamo M., Wingeyer A., Schacht W., Eskridge K., Bradshaw J., and Ginting D., 2019, Soil fauna accelerate dung pat decomposition and nutrient cycling into grassland soil, Rangeland Ecology and Management, 72(4): 667-677. Fan Y., Lv G., Chen Y., Chang Y., and Li Z., 2023, Differential effects of cow dung and its biochar on Populus euphratica soil phosphorus effectiveness, bacterial community diversity and functional genes for phosphorus conversion, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1242469.