
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 208-220 217 9.3 Research and development needs To address the challenges in corn ethanol production, ongoing research and development are essential. Key areas for future research include improving the energy efficiency of ethanol plants and exploring the use of alternative feedstocks, such as energy cane, to enhance sustainability (Sica et al., 2021). Additionally, advancements in fermentation technology and enzyme efficiency could further reduce the resource inputs required for ethanol production (Mohanty and Swain, 2019). There is also a need for comprehensive life-cycle analyses to better understand the environmental impacts of corn ethanol and to identify opportunities for reducing GHG emissions (Lewandrowski et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2021). 9.4 Future trends and potential breakthroughs Looking ahead, several trends and potential breakthroughs could shape the future of corn ethanol production. The integration of advanced bioenergy crops, such as energy cane, into the production process could significantly enhance sustainability and efficiency (Sica et al., 2021). Technological innovations, such as improved fermentation processes and more efficient enzymes, are likely to play a critical role in reducing production costs and environmental impacts (Mohanty and Swain, 2019). Additionally, the development of policies that support the use of low-carbon biofuels and incentivize research into sustainable production methods will be crucial for the industry's growth (Lewandrowski et al., 2020). As global demand for renewable energy sources continues to rise, corn ethanol is poised to remain a key player in the biofuel sector, provided that these challenges are effectively addressed. 10 Concluding Remarks Corn ethanol fuel production has been a significant focus of research and policy due to its potential as a renewable energy source. Key findings from the reviewed literature highlight several critical aspects. The carbon intensity (CI) of corn ethanol has decreased significantly over the past decades, primarily due to improvements in agricultural practices and ethanol production efficiency. Studies show a reduction in CI from 58 gCO2e/MJ to 45 gCO2e/MJ between 2005 and 2019, resulting in substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. The integration of first- and second-generation ethanol production, as well as the use of co-products like biogas and distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), can enhance the overall energy efficiency of ethanol plants. This integration can lead to a positive net present value and improved energy return on investment (EROI). Regarding sustainability, adding energy cane juice to the corn ethanol production process can significantly improve fermentation efficiency and reduce the need for water and enzymes, making the production process more sustainable. However, the overall sustainability of corn ethanol is still debated, with some studies suggesting that the environmental benefits may not be as significant as previously thought. The economic feasibility of corn ethanol production is influenced by market conditions, including the prices of co-products and the cost of energy inputs. The production of hydrous ethanol, which requires less energy and water, can further reduce production costs and emissions. Policymakers should continue to support research and development in corn ethanol production to further reduce its carbon intensity and improve energy efficiency. Policies should also encourage the integration of first- and second-generation ethanol production to maximize resource utilization and economic benefits. Ethanol producers should invest in technologies that enhance the efficiency of ethanol production, such as the use of energy cane juice and the production of hydrous ethanol. Additionally, considering the economic and environmental benefits of integrating biogas production and other co-products into the ethanol production process is important. The agricultural sector should adopt precision agriculture practices and other sustainable farming techniques to reduce the environmental impact of corn cultivation. This includes optimizing fertilizer use and conserving soil organic carbon to further lower the carbon intensity of corn ethanol. Researchers should focus on developing more accurate life cycle assessments (LCAs) that account for the latest advancements in corn ethanol production. Continued refinement of models to include co-products, land use changes, and conservation practices will provide more reliable data for policy and market decisions.