
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 208-220 209 development in corn ethanol fuel production, thereby enhancing energy security, environmental protection, and rural economic development. 2 Agricultural Cultivation of Corn 2.1 Selection of corn varieties for ethanol production Selecting appropriate corn varieties is crucial for optimizing ethanol production. Varieties with high starch content are preferred as they yield more fermentable sugars, essential for ethanol production. Studies have shown that the amylose-to-amylopectin ratio in corn starch significantly affects the efficiency of ethanol fermentation. For example, dent corn and waxy corn, which have different amylose-to-amylopectin ratios, have been compared for their ethanol yields, demonstrating that the final ethanol concentration can vary based on the type of corn used (Pradyawong et al., 2018). Additionally, selecting corn varieties that can thrive on marginal lands with minimal agrochemical inputs can enhance the sustainability of ethanol production (Jiang et al., 2015). 2.2 Comparison of cassava starch and corn as feedstocks for bioethanol production The study by Sarocha Pradyawong et al. (2018) explores the potential of cassava starch compared to corn starch in bioethanol production. The results indicate that the ethanol concentration from cassava starch is similar to that from corn and waxy corn (Table 1), making cassava a viable alternative feedstock for bioethanol production, particularly in Asian countries. The study highlights cassava's high fermentation rate and its efficiency in producing ethanol using both conventional and granular starch hydrolysis (GSH) processes. Table 1 compares the characteristics of corn starch and cassava starch, focusing on key parameters for bioethanol production. The starch content of cassava (30%-35%) is lower than that of corn (64%-78%), but cassava has a larger average granule diameter (15 µm vs. 10 µm). The degree of polymerization for cassava (800) is lower than that for corn (3 000), and its gelatinization temperature range is also lower (65 ℃-70 ℃ vs. 75 ℃-80 ℃). These differences affect the ease of starch extraction and hydrolysis, with cassava being easier to process into bioethanol due to its lower protein and fat content. This table provides crucial insights into the structural differences affecting the efficiency of bioethanol production processes. 2.3 Agronomic practices for optimizing yield 2.3.1 Soil preparation Proper soil preparation is fundamental for achieving high corn yields. Techniques such as soil plowing and the incorporation of organic fertilizers can significantly improve soil fertility and structure, thereby enhancing corn growth. The use of biochar, for example, has been shown to improve soil physicochemical properties, leading to higher crop yields (Wijitkosum and Sriburi, 2021). 2.3.2 Planting techniques Effective planting techniques, including the selection of high-quality seeds and appropriate planting density, are essential for maximizing corn yield. Good planting practices ensure optimal plant spacing, which reduces competition for nutrients and sunlight, thereby promoting healthier and more productive plants (Sriroth et al., 2010). Table 1 Comparison of normal corn starch and cassava starc Corn Starch Cassava Starch Content of starch (% db) 64 to78 30 to35 Average granular diameter (µm) 10 15 Amylose content (% of total starch) 20 to30 17 Degree of polymerization (DPn) 3000 800 Gelatinization temperature range (°C) 75 to80 65 to70