
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 208-220 208 Review Article Open Access A Comprehensive Review of Corn Ethanol Fuel Production: From Agricultural Cultivation to Energy Application Jiayao Zhou, Shudan Yan Institute of Life Science, Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, China Corresponding email: Journal of Energy Bioscience, 2024, Vol.15, No.3 doi: 10.5376/jeb.2024.15.0020 Received: 07 May., 2024 Accepted: 11 Jun., 2024 Published: 24 Jun., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Zhou and Yan, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Zhou J.Y., and Yan S.D., 2024, A comprehensive review of corn ethanol fuel production: from agricultural cultivation to energy application, Journal of Energy Bioscience, 15(3): 208-220 (doi: 10.5376/jeb.2024.15.0020) Abstract Corn ethanol, as a renewable energy source, has garnered significant attention for its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and replace fossil fuels. This study provides a comprehensive review of the entire corn ethanol fuel production process, from agricultural cultivation to energy application. The research covers the selection of corn varieties, agricultural practices, and corn processing steps, with a focus on improving production efficiency and reducing energy consumption. Additionally, it evaluates production costs, market trends, and the impact of government policies on ethanol production, analyzing its economic feasibility and scalability. Furthermore, the study explores the environmental impact of corn ethanol production, including greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water resource management, and proposes strategies for sustainable development. Finally, the research discusses the prospects of corn ethanol as a transportation fuel, comparing its advantages and disadvantages with other biofuels and fossil fuels. Through this study, the aim is to provide scientific evidence to relevant stakeholders, promoting the production and application of corn ethanol fuel. Keywords Corn ethanol; Biofuel; Agricultural cultivation; Environmental impact; Energy application 1 Introduction Ethanol fuel production has emerged as a critical component in the global transition towards renewable energy sources. Ethanol, a biofuel derived from biomass, offers a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, contributing to energy security, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting rural economic development. The production of ethanol from various feedstocks, including corn, sugarcane, and cassava, has been extensively studied and implemented worldwide. Cassava, in particular, has shown significant promise due to its high starch content and adaptability to marginal lands, making it a viable candidate for large-scale bioethanol production (Sriroth et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2015; García-Velásquez et al., 2020). The history of corn ethanol production dates back to the early 20th century, with significant advancements occurring in the latter half of the century. Initially, ethanol was used as a fuel additive to improve octane ratings and reduce engine knocking. However, the oil crises of the 1970s spurred interest in ethanol as a renewable fuel alternative. The United States, in particular, invested heavily in corn ethanol production, leading to the establishment of a robust industry supported by government policies and subsidies. Over the decades, technological advancements have improved the efficiency and sustainability of corn ethanol production, making it a cornerstone of the biofuel industry (Han et al., 2011; Martinez et al., 2018; Jiao et al., 2019). This study evaluates the entire process of corn ethanol fuel production, from agricultural cultivation to final energy application, examining key factors such as corn variety selection, agronomic practices, and processing techniques. The research also covers technological innovations, including the latest advancements in biocatalysts and fermentation technology, aiming to improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption. The economic analysis assesses production costs, market trends, and policy impacts, exploring economic feasibility. The environmental impact and sustainability section uses life cycle assessment to analyze the effects of corn ethanol production on greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water resource management. This study aims to provide valuable insights for academia, industry, and policymakers, promoting continuous improvement and