
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 197-207 203 7.4 Suitability for different types of forestry waste Different types of forestry waste exhibit varying suitability for thermochemical conversion processes. For instance, Tectona Grandis has shown high conversion efficiency and superior synthesis gas quality in gasification due to its favorable physicochemical characteristics (Vega et al, 2019). The suitability of various forestry residues for gasification has been demonstrated through performance analysis and simulation models, which highlight the potential of specific feedstocks like tamarack bark and birch bark for high energy output and low environmental impact (Safarian et al., 2021). The choice of thermochemical method and feedstock is crucial for optimizing energy production and environmental benefits. 8 Case Studies 8.1 Thermochemical conversion projects using forestry waste Thermochemical conversion methods have been successfully implemented in various projects to utilize forestry waste for energy production. For instance, the gasification of woody biomass and forestry residues has been demonstrated to produce significant amounts of electrical and thermal energy. A study conducted in Iceland assessed the power generation potential from different types of forestry residues, revealing that tamarack bark could generate up to 363 kW/ton of input feedstock, significantly outperforming other types of biomass (Safarian et al., 2021). 8.2 Detailed analysis of specific case studies In Iceland, an equilibrium simulation model using ASPEN Plus was developed to evaluate the performance of gasification systems using 28 different types of woody biomass and forestry residues. The study found that tamarack bark was the most efficient, producing 363 kW/ton of input feedstock (Figure 3). The environmental impact assessment indicated that electricity generation from these systems was environmentally friendly for 75% of the studied systems, with tamarack bark and birch bark showing the lowest normalized environmental impact (Safarian et al., 2021). This flowchart represents a simulation model for the integration of wood chips and crop residues (WB&FR) gasification and power generation units. The model adopts the equilibrium method and applies the PR-BM equation of state (Peng Robinson Boston Mathias alpha) to calculate the physical properties of components during the gasification process. For modeling the enthalpy and density of unconventional materials such as biomass and ash, HCOALGEN and DCOALIGT models were used. Figure 3 Diagram of gasification simulation in Aspen Plus (Adopted from Safarian et al., 2021)